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my source port


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as you probably dont know, im working on a new source port. its only about 5-10% done, and im kind of waiting for the non-beta of zdoom to come out to begin.

anyway, my question to you people is: should i include +mlook in my doom port? i believe that this is very very very un-doomish and i want this to be a 'doomy' source port.
what do you think?

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please put higher resolutions in it. and please, if your going to make it gl, please pr render it so my computer wouldnt have to.

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Didn't the man say that he was using the soon to be released (hopefully) ZDoom v1.23 final as his source? If so then mouselook, jumping, and hi-res are already there. It would benefit no one to nerf a feature that already exists.

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ok, thanks for your input everyone. i will add mouselook, but no jumping.

btw, i plan to have a opengl mode and a 'classic doom' mode of rendering so those who want it to look good can be happy and those who want a more classic feel can also.

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