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Prboom issue


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okay, I use prboom 2.2.3 and record demos on a different computer. upon moving them to this computer the demos all go out of sync. This machine is also running prboom 2.2.3. What gives and how can I fix it??

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What complevel did you use?

Try copying your cfg files across and see if that helps.

What I'm thinking is that if you used -1, then it may be looking at the cfg file to get some of its settings, and if these are not the same, then it could cause a desync. Not sure though, since I've never used -1 myself.

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i dont think i used any complevel. I did move the demos using a floppy disk, maybe it corrupted them. :(

Also Grazza, can prBoom 2.2.4 play demos from 2.2.3?

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Should do. As I say though, I have no experience of recording with complevel -1. BTW, -1 is the "default" complevel (i.e. what you used, by the sound of it).

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Both are my prbooms are set at default complevel -1, I'm guessing these demos got messed up on the floppy. At least I hope so, there's no other explanation of why it wouldn't work. What complevel shoud I be using?

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To make it behave as much like Doom(2).exe as possible (without VPOs though!):

For Prboom 2.2.3: -complevel 1
For Prboom 2.2.4: -complevel 0

This records a demo in Doom(2).exe format.

It shouldn't be used for maps that use Boom features or that rely on Boom bugfixes. For maps that were designed to work with Doom(2).exe (or just need removal of limits) it should work well.

[If it is a Boom map, then in Prboom 2.2.4, -complevel 3 is meant to emulate Boom 2.02, but in fact it appears to emulate Boom 2.02's Doom compatibility mode - this mucked up Altima's attempts to record on Vile Flesh map28, and was solved by switching to -complevel 5. Edit: On further inspection, I strongly suspect that the documentation for 2.2.4 is plain wrong about the compatibility levels, and that 5 = Boom 2.02 and 7 = MBF - like in the documentation for 2.2.3.]

Opulent was able to solve a weird playback problem on one of my demos by decompiling and recompiling with LMPC. LMPC only works with Doom(2).exe format demos. There is also a version specifically for MBF demos (MBFLMPC), but I've never got it to work with demos recorded by Prboom. [Edit: Heh, because I was using -complevel 5. With -complevel 7 it works fine. :/ ]

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Grazza said:
Edit: On further inspection, I strongly suspect that the documentation for 2.2.4 is plain wrong about the compatibility levels, and that 5 = Boom 2.02 and 7 = MBF - like in the documentation for 2.2.3.


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