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Duke NUkem 3d for Zdoom


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Duke3D let you overlap sectors and do ROR (you weren't allowed to see 2 floors at the same time). Other than that and maybe some .64 weapon type support you could probably do an exact rerecreation. Without the ROR aspect tho you'd have to use various zdoom methods for obtaining a fake ROR.

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Although porting over Duke3d to Zdoom is pretty pointless, aside from demonstrating the fact that it can actually can be done.

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Metal_Sonic said:

why not just play duke 3d? There are source ports for it if you need them. like jonoF's jDuke3d

Because it does not exist for Linux.

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Mancubus II said:

Duke3D let you overlap sectors and do ROR (you weren't allowed to see 2 floors at the same time).

You could also make bridges by using Build's sprite-flattening stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You don't know Duke3D that well, don't you? The fact that you aren't allowed to see stacked sectors does not mean that you can't do true 3d bridges. There is no need to build a brige of several sectors. In fact, there support for flat sprite in build which lets you place them anywhere and let you even walk on it. They can be find in pretty every map in Duke3D. Look at the bridge at the exit in the first map for example!
Unfortunately, ZDoom currently doesn't even support floor decals, and probably won't that soon either.

Even I would like to see any Build features in ZDoom, I see no point in doing a Duke TC.

Another neat feature in Build is the ability to morph the environment (ie. changing the shape of sectors), thanks to the absent of BSP, where ZDoom merely has Polyobjs for this purpose which are painly limited.

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Metal_Sonic said:

There are source ports for it if you need them. like jonoF's jDuke3d

What is the download link for that source-port?
I couldn't find it through Google.
If you know where it is, can you guide me there?
Thanks, it would really make my day.
I've always dreamed of playing Duke3D with a 1024*768 screen resolution. Let's hope that this dream can finally become a reality.

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DarkJedi188 said:

What is the download link for that source-port?
I couldn't find it through Google.
If you know where it is, can you guide me there?
Thanks, it would really make my day.
I've always dreamed of playing Duke3D with a 1024*768 screen resolution. Let's hope that this dream can finally become a reality.

Get it here:



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