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The BEST Doom2 Wad ever?


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I know it's hard to decide, but we know there's a lot of those good Doom2 wads out there, I'm sure I haven't played them all...if you please, tell me what would you rank as the best add-on ever made..?

By the way, I'm planning to do an add-on to Doom 2...with all-new storyline, all-new monsters, all-new weapons, all-new tactics....anyone interestd in helping me?

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Hell Revealed [HR.wad]
Alien Vendetta [AV.wad]
Scythe [Scythe.wad]
Vrack2 & Vrack3 [vrack2.wad, vrack3.wad]
the Chord series [chord1.wad, chord2.wad, chord3.wad, chord_NG.wad, chordg.wad]
Equinox [equinox.wad]

Don't forget Plutonia, but that's an IWAD.

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Alien Vendetta is truly something you can't forget....

Amazing work, if I didn't know better I'd think it was ID all along.

But, would you guys like to help me? I'm planning to do something similar to All Hell is Breaking Loose....

My favourite ever: TVR! By Thomas van der Veken (sorry if there's a typo)

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Hell Revealed, by a whisker ahead of Alien Vendetta. There's just something special about HR, although AV is a better rounded product in many respects.

CacoMarine said:

By the way, I'm planning to do an add-on to Doom 2...with all-new storyline, all-new monsters, all-new weapons, all-new tactics....anyone interestd in helping me?

Note that you will not have much luck at all in finding people to join your project until you have made a significant amount of suitably impressive material yourself. Even then, most people are busy with existing projects. If you want this to happen, you'll need to be prepared to make most of it yourself if need be.

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Thanks Grazza... I guess I'll have to do it by myself, but since it's only me doing it, there's multiple things to be taken care of, like playtesting, that the monsters and the weapons are in balance, that the WAD is challenging enough...I guess I can do that all by myself, but it's going to take a lot of time....I have three levels which I have ready, and I think they're pretty challenging....

I've thought to change Doom2 source code entirely, enabling to make entirely new monsters. Is this possible?

At least, I've planned to make 32 new levels, with new dehacked patch, with new weapons (with totally new behaviour) and some new monsters. But I guess it's going to take a LONG time...but Idon't care, I love Doom, and I'll pretty much do anything to keep it alive!

I won't reveal the title yet....

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CacoMarine, before you start asking for help on your new mega-cool-and-whatnot project, make sure you have something to show first (screenshots, map downloads, etc). Keep in mind we've already seen thousands of upcoming projects that actually never got done.

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Everyone has their favourite wads. Mine are:
1.AV (Unique)
2.HelpYourSelfish (the best example of how cool levels can be made out of Default doom2 texures)
3.Equinox (so much new ideas)
4.P:AR (Lutz rocks)
5.Caverns of Darkness (Lutz rocks some more)

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1. Hell revealed 1 & 2 (hr.wad or h2final.wad
2. Action Doom (action.wad)
3. 2002 Doom Odyssy (2002ado.wad)
4. One more (onemore.wad)
5. Memento Mori (mm.wad)

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CacoMarine said:

I've thought to change Doom2 source code entirely, enabling to make entirely new monsters. Is this possible?

Maybe you should think about doing a ZDoom wad. Right now you can add your own monsters easily and soon new weapons.
Edge can do both these things as well.

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Best WAD for Doom2.exe : The Darkening Episode 2.
Best WAD for Doom2 with source port: Daedalus.

I don't particularly like AV and HR and I really don't understand the hype surrounding these particular WADs...

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the best doom wads are Equinox.wad and grove.wad. The guy who made them is a complete fucking genius. I bet he's really sexy too. In fact, he's the best person who has every existed. A God, really.

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DarkSoul said:

Only once all the hubs are released. Then it'll probably be the best.

Hmm... (keep toughts to myself)
EDIT: I meant we can make a discussion -what in progress WAD will be the best once it's completed, but there were several like these.
For now, let's stick to released ones.

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CH Retro Episode, the Flay the Obscene series, Helpyourselfish, In A World, all by Chris Hansen
And that's my list for the time being. Being playing these five a lot lately
Personally I think a lot of the 'great' megawads are over rated and I'd rather just play episodes or single levels myself.

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Epyo said:

Wow is that an episode now?

Sure is
And I may say it's a mighty fine episode...Chris should do another E1 replacer!

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Then it'll be nice to know that my long time Doom editing partner Paul Corfiatis is going to release his episode 1 clone in a few weeks time! I've play tested most of it and it's safe to say that you'll find this pretty damn awesome if you crave some more of that episode 1 sweetness! Ohh, and this is a best Doom 2 wad thread, so although I'm flattered that you picked CH Retro, it isn't really valid. ;)

My best bet is Paul's Selfish series... that's just too good!

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What about that one level that was made in 1998/99 that was the most detailed level to have been made? It was a dark gothic theme with lots of greys and reds. Someone in the doom community made it, wasn't commercial.

It was a DM level and was actually pulled from servers shortly after because someone was complaining about copyrights or something. I forgot exactly why. but there was some drama surrounding it..

Anone remember? It was like gothic98 ? or something?

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