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30nm3136 (or rather 30nm3112)

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Henning strikes back!

It may have been a quiet month at compet-n, but it's ending with a bang.

[If you're new to demos and don't know what the hell that means, it's a new world record for the full-game Nightmare run of Doom2, recorded with Doom2.exe. Henning Skogsto had held the record for a long time, but it was recently beaten by Drew "stx-Vile" DeVore.]

Edit: Some new route ideas in there. I don't recall the map17 jump into the arachnotron pit being done from that side before, and the map28 route looks horribly risky (despite what he says in the text-file), and map29 is done with relatively low starting stats (maybe that was due to some mishaps rather than the map28 route itself though).

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cool, oh so cool.
edit: let me upgrade that response to a WOW. getting a 32:xx is nothing short of amazing, 31.36 is Henningesque. :)

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Actually I missed those big cell-packs in map28 ( behind the large group of spiders ) ..never picked them up, I wanted to tho :) a good thing the RL worked as an ok replacement :)

Anyway, just did a new one. New time is 31:12...I'd recommend that one more for those who havn't whatched the any of them. Shows clearly
room for more improvment still tho :=)

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DeDo said:

Can this week get any better? :)

Well, Radek's contributed a little something too. :) Nice to see one of Uwe Girlich's "interesting" movie demos beaten.

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Schneelocke said:

Wow. I wonder whether Drew will come up with a sub-31:00 movie now to take back the crown... ^_~

That'll always be a possibility, but right now, time is not on my side. I'm trying to keep up with my school work and the time I do spend on doom is used to play new wads or beta-test for Erik (you know of what I speak... 7 maps remaining...).

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Yay Henning! B-)


And I agree with Tomas, Ryback's HR -fast and now this!? What a week!

EDIT: Men ... stakkars Rosenborg. Vi må håpe på en poeng... :-/

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Grazza said:

Well, Radek's contributed a little something too. :) Nice to see one of Uwe Girlich's "interesting" movie demos beaten.

Let me guess... 0911uv21?

*goes to check*

All right! And knowing Radek, it'll be just as smooth as Uwe...

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