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X-Mas themed wads?


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Does anyone of you have some x-mas themed wads? And where can I get them?! Or do you know from where I can get some!?
Very important! I need resources ;) (I will surely credit them)

-> www.tormentor667.de to find out more about X-MAS DM2 :)

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If you have H!Zone, there's a Heretic episode that has some snow themes in it. It sucks, but I guess you could use the textures.

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I remember one. I played it about 3 years ago. It was on a cd full of wads for doom. I don't have the cd anymore, so unfortunately I can't help you. But there are some X-mas wads out there.. Keep looking.

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...I found a few on a ftp.cdrom mirror in Greece :) Some stuff is very nice and I could use it! Well, another thing: What has happened with the ftp.cdrom?!?!?!

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Tormenator: seriously, there are some x-mas themed wads out there and I've seen them before somewhere. I used to have some images of them. However, I forgot where you could get it. I remember the environment in it was snow filled in everywhere on the ground. There are snowman sprite and x-mas trees sprite. The Imps wear x-mas hat. Try to look it up at google.com, it might work

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btw, has anyone ever thought about making wads which are centered around some realistic environment? I used to think that I would make a wad themed of Stone Mountain(which is located in Georgia, USA - stonemountainpark.org) but that seems an insane idea because the environment and the area would be so complicated and large. So I just forget it.

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There have actually been quite a few christmas wads. A couple of single player multi level ones, some DM ones and even one that used a modified version of the Zdoom engine to create particle snow. There have also been a few sprite replacements etc.

I got most of them by searching around on CDROM.COM

I tried to take the best features of these and consolidate them into one single mission using the modified Zdoom exe to put snow etc in most of the levels. I have it lying around on a CD somewhere, but would have to track down the original authors of the various mods I lumped together, and get permission, before I could release it. The individual mods had some quite nice effects though, so it is worth looking for them. All in all there are things like Elves, snowmen, giant snowmen, imps throwing snowballs, fairies, Santa and a whole bunch of other stuff I can't remember.

Just did a quick bit of searching:-

The one with the modified exe was called Xmas doom 99 and can be found here:


Like I said, the rest of the stuff I got (and there was at least 2 other multi level sets) came from CDROM.COM

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If you have H!Zone, there's a Heretic episode that has some snow themes in it. It sucks, but I guess you could use the textures.

Damn I wish I had H!Zone. I found it in a bargain bin at my local EB once, but it was for mac :(

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I have found a lot of nice xmas wads on mirrors of the ftp.cdrom :) some of them have nice sprites! But all of them can't recreate a true deathmatch feeling in their levels! I hope I can do this :)

PS: The fairies are from X-MAS DEATHMATCH and so on my work ;) I'm glad that you have taken a look at it :)

PPS: Originally, the Fairies are from a doom legacy wad! I modified them a bit and gave them a death sequence :)

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If you have H!Zone

No you don't ;)

I searched through all 10 of those episodes just to find the slightest bit of inspiration for a map, but they were all just so crappy it was unbearable. One episode had NO MAPS that had more than 20 sectors. I found like 2 or 3 OK concepts and that was as far as that went. And the rest of the user levels on it were even worse.

Just wait on my episodes instead :)

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