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Macvil<censored> is a pornographer! BAN THAT SON OF A CYBERDEMON!!!! BAN HIM! BAN HIM!

What kind of proof do you have?

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Macvil<censored> is a pornographer! BAN THAT SON OF A CYBERDEMON!!!! BAN HIM! BAN HIM!

What kind of proof do you have?

more to the point, who cares if he has tons of porn movies?

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Macvil<censored> is a pornographer! BAN THAT SON OF A CYBERDEMON!!!! BAN HIM! BAN HIM!

The HELL!?@!?

What kind of proof do you have?

More to the point, who in the blue hell posted that? I can't find it nowhere

more to the point, who cares if he has tons of porn movies?

You, for obvious *ahem* MONEY-MAKING REASONS *cough hack*.

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more to the point, who cares if he has tons of porn movies?

You, for obvious *ahem* MONEY-MAKING REASONS *cough hack*.

true, i made $4 outta it!

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Using cuss words tells me that you don't have any better words to use and you are stupid. That's the message I get. So stop cussing and show me that you have an actual vocabulary.

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Using cuss words tells me that you don't have any better words to use and you are stupid. That's the message I get. So stop cussing and show me that you have an actual vocabulary.

Sounds sensible enough... replace one word with another of equal thoughtlessness. It isn't the curse word that shows the "incompetence", it's the lack of thought behind it. I personally have nothing wrong with Liam calling you a wank (though it should be wanker), or any other "cursing" that might arise, but if you are going to take up the "ignorance" arguement (like you are) at least do it correctly.

The solution is not to change the word, but to change what you are saying and your method of "attack" (as it were). Use some logic in your arguements.

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Using cuss words tells me that you don't have any better words to use and you are stupid.

And calling people "retards" and "whores" is any better?

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Using cuss words tells me that you don't have any better words to use and you are stupid. That's the message I get. So stop cussing and show me that you have an actual vocabulary.

oh yay, let's be teletubbies! BIG HUG!!!

/me tries to detect brain waves in executor666 and fails

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Using cuss words tells me that you don't have any better words to use and you are stupid.

And calling people "retards" and "whores" is any better?

Apparently for him. :|

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Well damn, looks like the link I gave is fucked...oh well.

Actually, it's not. You have to leave out the HTTP:// part from the beginning and start with the WWW. I don't know why, but if you copy and paste the whole thing, it tries to open it with two HTTP://'s at the beginning instead of one.

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So stop cussing and show me that you have an actual vocabulary.

Forsooth? You are undeniably a vain and insignificant fop... pray, why must it be so that a trivial word not "outlawed" by delusional codes of law and religion must reflexively have required more mental processing than one at which the Catholic parent populace gasp at? Why do you feel compelled to beat in alignment with such an ignorant moral tattoo?

That's just running my mouth, mind you. If I took time to think about what I could have you sitting with your stupid nose in a dictionary for hours. So shut your mouth, you freakin' wank.

Now since I don't like wasting my genius on retards who preach distorted morality to people who hang out in a messageboard for the game that innovated video violence, I think I'll start the curses up again :D

You, in your infinite wisdom, have stated that "Curse words are used by people who can't think of anything better to say"... or something to that effect. In truth, people who can't think of anything better to say then curse words are NO BETTER OR WORSE THEN PEOPLE WHO REFUSE TO USE THEM. You're either a moron who sits in an illusional throne because he thinks his great and proper words make him superior, or you're an idiot who sits in an illusional throne because he thinks his blaring curses and ebonics make him the top dog.

Also, may I note, that NOT EVERYONE WHO CURSES HAS NOTHING BETTER TO SAY THEN "FUCKING COCKSUCKER". Like Lüt said, EXTREME WORDS EXPRESS EXTREME FEELINGS. If you're pissed off, you don't go "oh, well darnit". You say something that'll let people know that you're pissed off. I'm a writer, and I know how to bend words to my use without making me look like a frigging moron.

So think about that while you're sleeping tonight in your Teddy Bear pajamas and your Power Rangers sheets, after your uptight christian parents tuck you in. Maybe when you get your first pubes, you won't be so scared of being sent to your room for saying "fuck".

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