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Favorite indivisual Doom level ever

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Over the past 2 years or so, since I've been reading these forums (I didn't join them until just about a week ago though), I seen numerous posts about people's favorite wad, including some that I made over the past few days. But I now have a slightly different type of question. My question is - What indivisual Doom level (I or II only) is your absolute favorite level ever? The level you answer with can either be in the form of a single-level wad, or can be ONE level out of a multiple-level wad/megawad. If it is a single-level wad, please answer with the name of the wad. It it is a level from a multiple-level wad/megawad, please specify the name of the wad it is from and either the specific name of the level (you can only do this if the level has a different name that its original Doom I/II level name) or the map number you have to warp to once in the wad to get to that level (for Doom I go e_m_, for Doom II go map__). Also, please give at least a short explanation for why it is your favorite.

My answer (use as an example if necassary):

Alien Vendetta map20, because if is gigantic, sticks extremely well to a very rare Egyption theme, is a good challenge, and looks and plays brilliant all the way through. It doesn't even need a source port, but in my opinion, it is of a standard that is nearly inpossible to beat.

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that's INDIVIDUAL damnit. also is this the 500th "WHICH IS BESSTTT LOLZ!1111111111" thread you've posted?

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"Favourite individual map" certainly has been done before, but at least it isn't as clichéd as some of these questions.

BTW, the forums have a search facility, which you may like to use before asking yet more questions that have been asked and answered several times before. If you had used it, you would have found this recent thread. The question there is the same as yours, and many people responded.

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Vrack 3
Mostly because I just love massively detailed levels, and this has to be the most beautiful level I have ever seen.

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The only thing that amazes me more than this guy posting questions that have been asked 500 times (especially after reading the board for two years), is how you guys disregard the most important (albiet misspelled) word in the thread title.

Funny... yet sad.

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I have played at least a dozen levels over the years that strike me as perfect (half of them in E1 :P, though), and I certainly can't pick out one of them.

DarkSoul said:

Vrack 3
Mostly because I just love massively detailed levels, and this has to be the most beautiful level I have ever seen.

Well thank you.

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kristus said:

My favorit INDIVIDUAL Doom level of all time is

E1M7: Computer station.

It's just perfect in every damn respect.

If you only count the originals I agree. It's by far the best level of all Doom games.

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E1M7 is a great map but personally I have to give the nod to E1M4, which is far less linear and more interconnected and just as interesting to me in terms of aesthetics and gameplay. The atmosphere probably isn't quite as good but is still rather excellent.

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