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OT: Doom mappers needed for megawad project

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I know this belongs in another section, but this one is more active.

anyways, I need mappers who can help me out with my 32 level project. Since the begining of Aug. no one has helped and I had to do maps 1-11. I planned on having this project done by Halloween and I can't finish 32 levels by myself by that time. If anyone who wishes to lend a hand in the maps I would deeply appriciate it.

For those who do decide to help, their names will be included in the credits when It gets finished.

If interested in helping me with the maps, email me or icq me (if I am ever online)


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You plan to have this not even half finished, megawad done by Halloween!? Luck to ya.

Yeah, that's right, Kaiser.

I would like to help you if I'm not that busy and if I were such a good, dependable mapper. I'd rather suggest you postpone it later for Thanksgiving or Christmas :D

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I'm doing something for heretic, which is STILL IN THE F*CKING PLANNING STAGE, and I'm helping Adamizer9000 do a few Hell levels to pack in with a guns mod he's doing deh work for. I want to help, but I don't have time.

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