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More Scythe UV reality stuff

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Hello all,

It's been a bit quite here as of late. I'm anxiously awaiting the release of "Scythe 2" (as I'm sure most of you are as well) and I'm playing through the original for nostalgia, or something. As I'm making my way through I'm recording some stuff, and I thought I'd share a few runs with you (all on UV, of course) ->

Scythe map 2 reality in 0:44 and reality max in 1:54
Scythe map 3 reality max in 2:09
Scythe map 4 reality max in 1:13

Or get them all here.

As usual, you'll have to dig up or re-install old ZDooM 1.22 to watch these. If you like reality style, they're worth it. (a totally unbiased opinion of course...) ;-D

I'm currently looking at maps 5 and 6 reality style. They look quite hard, but possible. Map 7 is definitely possible, given that you don't waste too much ammo. I don't know if I'll get around to record more of "Scythe" though. It depends a bit on how long until "Scythe 2" is released! :-D

Sidenote: Don't watch these ;-), watch Drew's fucking *amazing* new 30nm instead!! (look at this thread!)

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I am going to watch this a bit later. map03 sounds interesting. About scythe 2, I am working on map27 atm, which is a huge beast of a map (you'll know when you see it). The release isn't imminent, but it will be this year at least...

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Kristian Ronge said:

Sidenote: Don't watch these ;-), watch Drew's fucking *amazing* new 30nm instead!! (look at this thread!)

Well, I watched Drew's new run, so I guess it's safe to take a look at these now, too. ^_~

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