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Come on id, hurry up with the f**king page alread!


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Its been long enough, they should have SOMETHING done there! They have enough people working there, by God, im growing impatient... and www.idsoftware.com is..well, kinda funny...lets all buy Quake II now, game of the year folks!

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"Quake 3 : Arena, in stores now !!!!!"
Mwuahahaha... I guess they won't update the damn thing till doom 3 comes out.

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...like they don't have the time or money or men to update the damn site...I would do it myself, dammit...

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Bah, I like the fact that iD spends more time actually making games than they do raving about them on a website, and besides, there aren't really a ton of people working there.

Well, I guess they could always teach the janitor HTML or something. =)

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the fuckin' site remains the same from the first day I saw it....

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And what about that UACwhatever site(I forgot what it was called) they put up a looong time ago. The only thing I ever saw there was the damn "all your base are belong to us" shit.

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