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Problem with ZDoom 1.23B28


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For some reason, it won't load up my WADs whenever I try to click and drag them in it. It gives me a cryptic error message and doesn't do anything. Does anyone else know of this?

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stupidity cannot be concealed

agreed, but i'll help you out anywayz, since you gave me a cake (which i immediatly threw in the garbage cuz of the piss but still...)

go into DOS (disk operating system)

type cd/doom2

than type ( on your keyboard ) zdoom.exe -file INSERTNAMEHERE.wad

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Yeah, what Mac said, though you don't need the file extensions.

(i.e., just type: cd\[doom directory
then: zdoom -file [name of wad])

Works for me.

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Yeah, that's what I do. Open up DOS and do it that way. It's a lot easier that way than to search in your folders to find the appropriate wad(s) you want to add, select them all, then drag them into the exe.

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This is the way to do it.

Make a txt file, put this text in it and name it zdoom.bat:

@echo off
zdoom.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

The next step is to right click it and choose properties. Now in the program section where it says command line or something, put a ? after the "c:\doom\zdoom.bat" part, or wherever your batch file is. So it says "c:\doom\zdoom.bat ?". Now when you double click it, up comes a box which asks for parameters to pass for the program, such as "-file whateverthehell.wad". Also set the working directory to "c:\doom\" or where ever your zdoom dir is.

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The latest ZDoom betas have had this problem for a while. Dragging and dropping (or setting a double click action for .wad files) will bomb it out. I hope it gets fixed soon.

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Dragging and dropping the wads works fine for me. Yay! But I can't get the midi to work so I can't get to hear Mephisto Mori's custom music so Boo!

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Mephisto Mori

Wow! Where can I get it?? =þ

Uh. I think you mean Momento Mori.

All I done was combine the two wads using Wintex. So now both are included within the main Momento Mori I/II wad.

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