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new board - opinions


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What does everyone think of the new board?

I think it's pretty cool when you get used to it :)


I think we should all thank Linguica for all the trouble he went through making this board and moving stuff to it from the old one.

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I dunno what to think of it yet. When I first got on this morning, I expected to see old-fashioned Doomworld. But alas, I see this. I think it looks cool, but as for functionality, it 's kind of hard to get used to.

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Well I'm gonna miss the old layout, fast pages but this seems very kewl and Ling did an excellent job on re-directing stuff...

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I miss the hierarchical arrangement. That was the best thing of the older forum, at least this one has no 1 minute delay. Mmmh, that could be really dangerous IMO.

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Sweet Jesus in a can! My entire world view is shaken. I miss the old forum setup already, but I must admit, this setup isn't too shabby.

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I like the new forums.
Sure, I'll have to get used to everything. But it all looks nice IMO. Too bad, the old reply-to-post-system (that's how I call it) ain't working no more...

BTW... My title says "No life"... A lot better than "WAAAAAAH CHANGE MY TITLE"

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As buggy as a flea infested dog's dick...
Sorry they look kewl, but the older forums where FAR more stable..

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I think it´s much better now! The best thing is that interesting topics now appear on the top, when they get a new reply. This will hopefully also prevent from posting 5 topics in a row or starting a new topic for every dumb thought.

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It sucks ASS, you can't reply to a certain message, you have to set up all your stuff again, AND NO MORE COFFEE ICON!!! WTF IS UP WITH THAT?

Though it has SOME nice extra options, the older one was easier to use and more user friendly IMO.

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Didn't use the old one enough to have an opinion. Man I hate being a newbie. I'm sure I'll get a crap load of newbie jokes after this. Anyway, I can't find the pic I used in the old forum, so now I am using this eye. If the person who made this pic dosn't want me using it, please tell me and I will change to another.

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Congradulations to Archvile46 for being the first person in the new forum to call me a dumbass newbie! And what does he win! A trip to see the goverment monkeys perform live at the Lincoln Memorial! Yes thats right! Now if youll excuse me, I have to hurl!

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I believe that the only thing I miss is the possibility to reply to a specific post or reply....the rest is fine

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Original posted by McVilewhore:

It sucks ASS, you can't reply to a certain message, you have to set up all your stuff again, AND NO MORE COFFEE ICON!!!

But you can quote to reply to a certain post, it´s basicly the same and overall better.
And why are a newbie BTW?

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Personally I can't decide... does this forum choke on a gallon of ass or does it swallow a bag of hell?

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Original posted by McVilewhore:

It sucks ASS, you can't reply to a certain message, you have to set up all your stuff again, AND NO MORE COFFEE ICON!!!

But you can quote to reply to a certain post, it´s basicly the same and overall better.
And why are a newbie BTW?

because my account got screwed along with the forum, so I had to register again.

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