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Detail Suggestions requested

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I'm working on an RPG project, this is one of the maps that will be going into it... Its supposed to be a barracks (first shots) where you can go into a mine... THough I seem to be stuck on what else should be done...

Barracks area

Upper mines (outside of the barracks)

The actual mines themselves (The middle part is for the 'carts' you saw earlier...)

One of the air recyclers in a tributary part of the mines...
The electric lamps denote where the actual new digging will take place (not finished with those yet)
I sloped the walls in the supported areas, looks a little more natural, I'm going to slope the walls on this part too eventualy, as well as add mine carts and what have you...
Cc is always welcome, but I'd really appriciate some ideas to make it feel more natural.. more real...

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Jeez, isn't that enough? :D

Maybe use some different gray textures, in the mines, maybe have some water or things like that. Maybe some dead bodies etc.

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The mines could do with some rock formations and cracks on both the ground and the ceiling. You could possibly (as Lutrov71 suggested) add few pools of liquid as well - perhaps water in the upper mines, and lava in the lower reaches?

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You can always add a few trims and supports as fairly generic but usually pleasing detail. The overhanging sector with the embedded lights in the first shot (DOOM0004) especially would benefit from this, I reckon.

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That looks really good!

I dig the outdoor and cave type of maps myself, so I would say try to make more natural looking rocky areas, outside and in the cave. The cave with the tracks looks fairly square, not much natural looking stuff on the walls. Otherwise, looks like a very cool environment!

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Heh, those mines remind me of the ones in Quake 2. Nicely done, though I cant think of anything else that should be added. Maybe some machinary in the mines or a sunken area in the barrack's large room (like a step down and carpeting, though perhaps thats a bit too...executive for a military instalation).

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The mines seem very large. It seems to me that mines should be more cramped, at least once you get to the deepest parts. Of course this probably won't look as good, but it's just more like a real mine, so I'm not so sure what's better.

Nice job otherwise though. I like to see maps where people really put effort into the detail(they remind me of myself! lol)!

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Hi everyone... It's me again... :P

I'm looking for a little bit of help in fixing/breaking a script I wrote... Any thoughts on improvement are completely welcome... (This also kind of serves as an idea of what the mod will have in it)


Below is the script code for the more 'program oriented' amoung you... Thanks for any help in advance


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