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King REoL rules!

Go back to newdoom or whatever hellish pit you spawned from, moron.

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King REoL rules!

You had better leave the forum now, it'll save you A LOT of trouble.

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okay. He doesn't rule. but, his wads aren't BAD.
I'm disappointed he never invested the time to make a great map instead of many average ones.
His website IS ugly, IMHO. but his contribution to DOOM is far reaching. How many of us have played his maps?
yeah, I thought so.
if nothing else, he has inspired some editing masters to make their works even better.
His dedication to playing the game (and Quake) is admirable.
I say more power to him...
besides, how many of these flamers(that didn't come out right =P ) have made levels better than his?
yeah, I thought so...

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How many of us have played his maps?

I never have.

he has inspired some editing masters to make their works even better.


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Did you get out of the closet a couple of hours ago? ROFL

Damn it, nobody escapes from my closet and lives.

/me gets Danzig 5 ready to play.

I think I still have stphrz locked away in there.

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/me gets Danzig 5 ready to play.

I'll get the coffee and the cake. This will be the best, suprise party ever.

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okay. He doesn't rule. but, his wads aren't BAD.
I'm disappointed he never invested the time to make a great map instead of many average ones.
His website IS ugly, IMHO. but his contribution to DOOM is far reaching. How many of us have played his maps?
yeah, I thought so.
if nothing else, he has inspired some editing masters to make their works even better.
His dedication to playing the game (and Quake) is admirable.
I say more power to him...
besides, how many of these flamers(that didn't come out right =P ) have made levels better than his?
yeah, I thought so...

He's far reached through infamy which is funny, but I suppose it works. Yeah, I imagine most level editors want to improve their skills after having played a REoL map, usually by removing sectors I'd imagine.

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if nothing else, he has inspired some editing masters to make their works even better.

You can say that about -my- 'maps'..... they inspire everyone to make maps that consist of more than one hall and room, complete with that damned HOM effect! The editors don't like me, I don't like them..... heh. I admit it, I bite at mapping, but I like sprites ^_^.

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