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Silent splatter


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Very nice, considering the materials used. I like the acknowledgement of the SH franchise.

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Those are pretty damn cool looking. I'm wondering, how do you use the cardboard and paper? Do you just turn it into mulch and sculpt from it? I've been playing around with paper mulch and glue lately, it's a cheap sculpting material, and it looks pretty good once it dries. I made a cacodemon with it, it's terribly adorable.

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No, I don't make a mulch out of the paper and cardboard, but you can certainly do it that way. I don't much care for that method because it's kind of messy and takes too much time to dry, but if you find it works well for you, go with it. I also agree that paper/cardboard makes a very good and cheap modeling material.

When I make robots or mechanical things (i.e. Transformers), I use cardboard to make rigid, hollow geometric shapes. For more irregular shaped things (i.e. people, animals, etc.) I usually only use cardboard as framework or for flat objects (for example, the only cardboard in Mr. Chainsaw is his chainsaws). Lately, I haven't been using it much at all and have been using paper towling for my filler/framework (it's a lot easier to shape with).

Paper I use mostly in a "mummification" type process for the exterior of the figure. Say I want an arm, I make a rough arm form out of paper towling or cardboard, and then wrap the glue-smeared paper around it, kneading it and adding more material as needed to get the desired shape.

Show us your Cacodemon if you have the means to take pictures of it. When I made both of mine, I molded paper around a plastic Pokemon ball, removed the paper from the mold, glued it together again, and then added the horns, bumps, teeth, etc. and painted it.

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Sadly I can't get a picture of the cacodemon. But basically I just tore up a bunch of paper, boiled it for a while, blended it, boild it with glue, then drained it. Then I just sort of mashed it into a ball, so it's kind of lumpy, and caco-ey. Then I used bone fragments for teeth and the eye, and some teeth from a mule/horse jaw (not quite sure which, found it in the woods) for the horns. Looks pretty spiffy.

I also made a little zombie head like that. I kind of like using the wet paper mulch when painting, I just use watercolors, and it goes on pretty nicely.

That's an interesting method there though, but I have a hard time getting cardboard to work well for anything. However it sounds like a spiffy little project for a boring day.

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When I made the paper pulp you've described, I used a food processor to macerate the paper. Unfortunately, I used newsprint, and the ink got everywhere during the process, which pretty much rendered the food processor unusable thereafter for making food for human consumption... :)

I mostly use gloss acrylic or latex paints, but I sometimes use watercolor as well. Something you might consider is adding coloring to your paper, when you're making the pulp, if you're going to make something that is primarily one color. This can get kind of messy though - and you definitely don't want to use something you don't want stained and/or you eat from.

I forgot to mention this regarding cardboard, and it's important: Use thin, flexible cardboard for what I've described, not currogated. Cereal/potato chip boxes, cigarette cartons, etc. are ideal. You want something that you can manipulate that isn't overly rigid. I do use currogated cardboard sometimes, but generally only for larger figures where a supportive function is required and I need something rigid that can withstand more weight/pressure.

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