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overclocking fun


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up till now the only way to have portable doom was if u can find a heavly modified port for high end TI-caculators. Usally there are no color graphics, sound is gone,duh. The game was often little to do with doom and looked more like wolf3d doom TC, the best one i saw had good levels, but only a few enemies: imps, demons, cocodemons, and humans. It also had just the 9 first levles and only 5 weapons, fist to rocket launcher. But the game was hard to controll and slow, with poor textures. However now doom is on the GBA so kick ass! anyway i have overclocked a TI-82, never thought it could be done. instead of 4mhz i boosted it to 8mhz! but it uses batteries like a bitch. i wish i could add more memory and a better CPU. i wonder if it could take a pentium or 486, dont think it could older tech and different chip setups

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I had a TI-85 before I got bored and smashed it to pieces in Physics class with some weights and a pen.

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Oh, I know the feeling. It can't do nonreal equations (e.g., square root of a negative number). Then again, I don't think any calculator can.

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Oh, I know the feeling. It can't do nonreal equations

Fah! Just do the square root of the postive of the number and add an little i to it or the product of any positve number it's multiplied to.

Kids these days :P

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just put it in the freezer. itt will go faster i betcha! i did it with my *GASP* p100 and overclocked it to *GASP* 110!! yay!! i love oc'ing.

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Can you say "1909Mhz AthlonMP"? eheh.
What about "2400Mhz Pentium 4"?
=^-^= <- smug little kitty face

Yeah, overclocking is fun. I overclocked my TI-92 but then it died. It wouldn't turn on anymore. I think I blew out something, dunno. It was fun, though.

A friend of mine's dad is REALLY into overclocking - he claims to have overclocked a quartz digital watch to get higher accuracy out of it. @_@ My brother and I do some pretty [h]ard|core (see how many of you folks catch that reference) overclocking, but nothing too terribly extreme. Watercooling is about the hardest we get. None of that, "a computer in a milk crate" nonsense.

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I loved all the Casio calculators, since they can calculate with real fractions. No need to convert them into decimals - very nice feature :)

Today I have a "Casio fx-115D"

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A friend of mine's dad is REALLY into overclocking - he claims to have overclocked a quartz digital watch to get higher accuracy out of it.

Dad is a smoking or pulling someone's leg.

A digital watch keeps time by dividing the "quartz" reference frequency. So if one ups the frequency (only possible by replacing the actual crystal) the watch would run faster by the amount "overclocked". Not exactly desirable:)

The only way to make it accurate again would be to replace the "divider" circuit. Take a look inside a watch an see if that's even remotely possible.

Cool tale though! Most people would fall for it.

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Hersheys makes cocodemons?

Yummmy.....chocolate monsters.

Reminds me of a Monty Python sketch: The Nauseating Candy Factory, with Crunchy Frogs.

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/me eats all cocodemons

/me is full and needs to rest for a while

/me opens a bottle of milk to easy it down

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Yeah, you could say that Xenoman, though hopefully before the weekend's over, I won't be bored. I hope to get Collector's DOOM and play both IWADs of Final Doom nonstop! (if Wal-Mart sells it, that is)

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damn right! man, school sucks... 1 1/2 hours left...

You're able to access DW at your school? Lucky bastard; my school has a pansy ass filter on its network, and not even my Doom Station (on AOL Hometown, known for being even more pansy ass) can be accessed!

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man, school sucks... 1 1/2 hours left...

School!? I'm ready to collapse on the bed soon. (00:34 AM, woke up 06:30 AM 28th :/)

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I think Doom sites are only blocked in elementry and high school. College (where I am) and university don't care. Heck, my instructors helped me a bit with my Doom website! :)

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I think Doom sites are only blocked in elementry and high school.

Oh, that explains it. I'm in high school. (junior, to be exact)

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yea those pansy ass bastards. however all but doomcenter.com are blocked at my school. also we have a way to change the proxy

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My brother and I do some pretty [h]ard|core (see how many of you folks catch that reference) overclocking.

Uhm.... hardOCP?

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