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Best doom wads of 2004?


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Hi, i'm pretty new to the doom community. I used to play doom back in the day on my sega genesis 32x. It was great. I would play it every weekend for hours and it was just so awesome. But time passed and i got new systems and left doom behind.

About a year ago i rediscovered doom ,this time on the pc. It was just as cool as i remembered. Then i found source ports, and to my shock, an active modding community and fantastic wads. I was hooked, but where does one start when there are so many different wads out there?

The 100 best wads of all time article became my guidebook. I found so many gems through it and i think it is prolly the single best resource for a person looking to start playing doom today. As such, i am really hoping that the article is expanded to include 2004 as well. I think it is about time to start the discussion on what the best levels of this year were.

I have been playing alot of wads and i have a few suggestions about wads i personally feel made the grade in a year that was heavy with awesome projects

This is in no particular order and i'm sure i have left some important cool stuff out.

RTC-3057:Blue by AirRaid, boris, Cyb, dsm, Fanatic, geX, Julian, Manc, NiGHTMARE, Shaviro

Action Doom by Scuba Steve

Deus Vult by Converted Doomer

Vile Flesh by Gwyn Williams

City of the Damned by Tormentor667

Tremor: Part 1 Genesis by Ross "Zarkyb" Mathieson

Hell Revealed 2 by Jonas Feragen Afterglow Metabolist Gemini Cyb prower Mattias Berggren Martin Friberg Andy Olivera Pedro Blanco Ola Bjorling Grave

Zdoom Community Map Project by BioHazard, Giest118, Xaser, Lexus Alyus, HotWax, Graf Zahl, Nanami, Nightmare, Enjay, Pablo Dictter, DD_133, Grubber, Cccp_leha, randy, Risen, and Tormentor667

Community Chest 2 by Alot of people

Internal Reaches 4 by Kaiser

New World by Daniel

Bloodrust by Simon "Slayer" Judd

Any other suggestions? Comments?

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Look through the demos fourm (for some old but good ones) and the /newstuff chronicles of 2004. You'll find some good ones there, such as Geo.

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yeah, i put them both in there. HR2 came out too late for inclusion in the 2003 list so i consider it as in this year's wads.

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My top ten list of 2004: (I've missed some of the wads of this year so bare that in mind)
RTC - 3057
Romero Death Skittles
Ashun Doom

Ok, that all the ones I wanna put ina Top ten. There have of course been a whole lot of nice wads released. But not many that have been really something else.

I just played Vile Flesh. I didn't know it was from this year, wasn't bad.

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RTC 3057, Action Doom.

I never liked Deus Vult for several reasons.
Cold as Hell would get in the list if.. we all know the problem with it.

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Let's see...

Vile Flesh
Hell Revealed 2
Deus Vult
Community Chest 2
Real World 2
Castle Nevermore
Pacman Doom 2
The Attraction to All Things Uncertain
Yesterday's Nightmare
Legions of Hell 2
Point of No Return
Hollow Minds
Hordes of Chaos (hard to choose which instalment was best)

Also, it's possible that Ultimate Doomer's Sonic thingamajig might deserve a place in this list. I don't know what other major projects are due out before the end of the year.

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It's a bit early, some wads are still yet to come out...

(and I haven't played CC2 yet either, but early indications would put HR2, New World 1/2, Vile Flesh, Fury of Vuradi and the Hordes of Chaos series right up there)

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I'm working on the Doomworld Awards ceremony for best Wads of 2004. So don't get your panties in a bunch, it should be out soon.

Also, Cyb brought up a good point. Daedalus was released after the voting was completed for last years "best of"... so we were curious if "Best of" should run from Doom's birthday each year, the 10th of Dec - 10th of Dec.

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RTC-3057, Action DOOM, and "doom3 in doom2" (while unfinshed it's the first mod that make me interesed in Edge, and the first weapon mod that I enjoy, and use in replace of the original weapons each time I can, the way it change the gameplay it's a piece of art, and also the way the DOOM 3 graphics are intruduced to fit in DOOM).

The other wads in my opinion, while are pretty good, are more of the same that has be seen in years, wich is not a bad thing (we all like it), but it gets a bit repetitive. The special ones, for me, are that three that make DOOM still fresh (but keeping at the same time the classic doomish feel we all know and love).

This is my personal opinion, I don't want to offend any author or fan.

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Scuba Steve said:

voting was completed for last years "best of"... so we were curious if "Best of" should run from Doom's birthday each year, the 10th of Dec - 10th of Dec.

I wouldn't have thought so. There have been "best of the year" discussions in previous years (such as Favourite wads of 2003?), and some people make personal lists on their own websites. These have always been based on the calendar year.

The 10years feature was also based on calendar years, except for 2003, where it clearly couldn't cover anything later than 9th December. If the 10years feature is to be updated each year, then it would make sense to have (perhaps) a 2003 addendum (or substution(s)) and then a genuine 2004 added once the year is complete. If the intention is to update it every Doomsday, then the planning seems to have started a little late.

Anyway, if someone does want to do a Doomsday 2003-to-Doomsday 2004 list, then I'll add:
Flashback: demo (high up in the list)
Realm of Evil (about 75% of the way down)

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Oh yeah, Daedalus. I had forgotten about it. Well even though some people thought it dragged a bit at times I would think that Daedalus definitely deserves recognition either in this year or as a 2003 addendum.

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Tormentor667 said:

Well, don't forget "Titan"...

IMO, Titan was over-rated. It just wasn't all that fun to play.

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in no particular order....
action doom
cold as hell
torment and torture: lost episode
vile flesh
hell revealed 2
community chest 2
romero's death skittles
zdoom community map

and some more, heh

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ducon said:

Which ones?

Deus Vult 1. There's only One, tough You can play the "splitted version".
2nd part AFAIK isn't released yet.

EDIT.. (*)_(*) .. Respect, 1000th post, I'm now a senior member :D

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Nmn said:

Deus Vult 1. There's only One, tough You can play the "splitted version".
2nd part AFAIK isn't released yet.

EDIT.. (*)_(*) .. Respect, 1000th post, I'm now a senior member :D

No, what don't you like in DV?

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Dron said:

in no particular order....

Grove came out this year???? are you sure??? i can't even remember.

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