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Probably like...

/me has a poll

A)To kill or not to kill
B)I am discontinuing your service
C)/me pings this thread
D)Liam the Bard - CAKE SUCKS
E)Frikkin' *thread is whisked away*

Those are suggestions only. He will probably use a way better one.

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Why must I be swept up into moments of meaningless messaging...damn my caffine rushes.

/me pops some popcorn, awaiting this threads destruction

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damn my caffine rushes.

Heh, I have had 7 20 oz. Dr. Peppers in the last 2 days. I am so horribly addicted to caffeine.

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This Dehacked-look-at-the-demons-killin-themselves-in-the-major-room-in-map10 (refueling base) seems like a good idea but where can I get the prog?

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Why must I be swept up into moments of meaningless messaging...damn my caffine rushes.

say this to the tune of "twinkle twinkle little star"

Is caffeine but spelt wrongly..."

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jolt rules! have you seen they have different flavors now? but none of the new flavors can touch the original..

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Jolt tastes like stale Coke and the new flavors taste like stale flavored pop with crushed minithins in them. Yuck.

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the only crappy pop is Cum Soda...cream soda. Argh that stuff sucks.

We don't have Jolt in Canada for some reason, but we have this stuff called "jones" that comes in kickass flavours incl. apple and some blue candy shit. The apple one tastes kinda like Rev2, but isn't alcoholic, though it might as well be. Mmmm...and mug root beer's my favorite. Sprite is the pop i never buy or think about buying even though i love it. Orange is #2 then comes everything else except cream soda...i wonder why they invented that shit...

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I fuckin' love Jones. Fufu Berry Soda is the best. Cream soda is really good. And Dr. Pepper is the shit, you are all retarded.

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Jones rules, especially Blue Bubblegum. I also like Dr. Pepper. I'm sorta pissed that there isn't a DROP of RED cream soda in Pennsylvania. Red cream soda is THE SHIT.

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" Sprite is the pop i never buy or think about buying even though i love it."

Everyone says they love that, but honestly, how many of us buy it on anything more than a very occasional basis?

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