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Archvile Concept Sketch


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Alright, I uploaded a concept sketch of the archvile for freedoom:

If anyone has made sprites before and can sprite him soon, feel free. Otherwise I will work on some frames, scan them into my computer, then draw new, clean vector drawings over them, crop/scale them to doom sizes, then color them to the doom palette. Then I will tweak them(i.e. pixel-edit, or load the original vector version and re-convert it to doom palette..). For me, this is a delicate process, but I will keep you up to date by posting sample walking, firing, death, ect. frames on my site when done with them, that is, if I am the one who will be doing this.

ALSO: The pentagram signs are where logos could be placed, if he will have them. He is also wearing weird armor. Suggestions are welcome...

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Infurnus said:

ALSO: The pentagram signs are where logos could be placed, if he will have them. He is also wearing weird armor. Suggestions are welcome...

You may find that after you scale it down, the logo will only be a few pixels wide and be unrecognisable.

Anyway, good luck with it.

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Not to sure about the belt and those guns hanging down. How about if you make him like jeepers creepers or that one monster from Hell Raiser 2 ?

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Ajapted said:

You may find that after you scale it down, the logo will only be a few pixels wide and be unrecognisable.

I wasn't even sure he would end up with a logo in the first place, it might just be an upside down pixel-star(It is possible only AFTER the image is scaled down) or whatever symbol will go along with the storyline...

tony said:

Not to sure about the belt and those guns hanging down.

Those aren't guns, it's part of his armor, two pieces of thin metal going down on the sides of his legs, I guess I drew it kind of odd, heh. I could change it if they don't seem to fit him.

tony said:
How about if you make him like jeepers creepers or that one monster from Hell Raiser 2 ?

That sounds interesting. :)
I'll have to do a google image search and some test sketches, then I will upload/update the concept sketches to see if it looks good...

Still, I would like to see some more feedback, if possible. Thanks for commenting to those who already did/are going to.

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Hey Infurnus.

The concept sketches are interesting, tough quite rough. If I were to comment on the art, the monsters seems a bit flat to me.

The face is large! I think it's a nice touch since the original archie's mug isn't that large, looks more scary. His bikini doesn't look too hellish. I don't know what that is, looks like bikini o_O. The belly is kinda un-monster, maybe cut his guts out.

I'm eager to see the sprite done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do you think concept sketches should be put on the site - to sort of flesh it out with interesting stuff?

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Jon said:

Do you think concept sketches should be put on the site - to sort of flesh it out with interesting stuff?

In my honest opinion-ofcourse. Not to mention they are a cool attraction-it also shows the viewer of the page that You have more ambitious plans for the project (considering both maps-maps concept sketches-and monsters-enemy concepts). It's not like there will be 20 new monsters!! Plasma zombie, uber cacodemon, bla bla, but You show a representation of Your idea for the monster-Your plans make it think You really put some more work to it, and You sketch out ideas to come up with an interesting design to prove what counts most-originality-a new original concept You reveal to the public. In summary-do it :)

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