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new doom irc channel on dalnet! #megadoom! pay a visit!


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Does anyone know of a good Doom-related IRC channel on DALNet? If there ain't one, I'll make one. Now you @-hole$ better get on it! www.mirc.com to get the necessary software to access it. The main reason I'm doing this is because ZDaemon launcher is real buggy and such, and I wanna play some multiplayer.


....oh crud! I'm missing Cowboy Bebop!

BTW: I'll let ya guys know when the channel is registered. The more ppl stop by, the longer the place'll stay up. PAY A VISIT.

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Well, I just got it registered. Now I need a few ops to maintain the site when I'm not around, and *BAM*! It'll be goin' smooth. PAY A VISIT TO #MEGADOOM ON DALNET. www.mirc.com . DOWNLOAD mIRC. NOW. I'M NOT KIDDING. Why should you be interested in mIRC? Well, you can have file servers to distribute wads, and other goodies across to friends, WITHOUT BROKEN LINKS! YA HOO! Also, real-time chat, among other neat things. Look, just help me out. I really want this to be successful. And LuT! (Pardon my not using ASCII) If ya stop by, I'll AOP ya. (Thats a good thing)


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..dang. Could ya at least pay mine a visit? I could use da support. Thanks man. BTW: I say you playin on ZDaemon, but whenever I tried joining a game, the comp told me that Zdaemon 'Performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.' Thats sucks. Oh well. Just check out me channel.

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boy, there's gonna be a lot of trouble soon.

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ZZ Topper, I don't mean to burst your bubble, but there's no way your channel is going to get off the ground. If you want people to follow you, you have to do something amazing like save someone's life or make 96 huge DOOM maps with exquisite detail.

In the meantime, try making a channel on irc.openprojects.net instead since that's where everyone goes.

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are you gonna be a popular star when you complete a huge doom map with exquisite detail?

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Mutha ****in' ***t ***n ***kin' ****h ***t. Thanks for the support. D**mit. I guess I'll move the d*** thing. And 96 maps? My @$$.

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#MEGADOOM is the emptiest one

[sarcasm]Gee...I wonder why?[/sarcasm]

Topper, remeber 2 things.
1)Dalnet or whatever, sucks
2)You cannot compete with #doom. Its just to big. Sorry.

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#doomino is the third biggest. at it's peak, it reaches up to 15 people, although almost double the amount go there.

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2)You cannot compete with #doom. Its just to big. Sorry.

#zdaemon is. When #doom had 22 people in it, #zdaemon had 15. That's 7 less. Not that far away. And since newer people come to #zdaemon (without being kickbanned unlike #doom) every week and stay. I'd say the 2 channels will be at the same level soon enough. Although I wouldn't bet on it.

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