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favorite monster in doom?


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Former humans. They are so fun to slaughter in mass quantities.

/me BFGs 5000000000000000000000000 former humans and gibs them all at once.

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Ahh. The classic newbie question. I asked it myself when I was one. My favorite monster is the one and only Fat Bastard, the Mancubus.

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So what? no one ever posts there hardly I think.

So...the reason it is even there is to contain questions like this.

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So what? no one ever posts there hardly I think.

hogwash...IMO its the second most popular forum

Damn right. 3rd popular is post heck cause people make alota retarded threads.

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the range of fav mosters is too wide for the 5 poll slots. Here are my favorite monsters in different categories:

Favorite to Kill: Revenant (the gooey crunch!)

Most scary: tie between Baron and Archie...i can strafe circles around cyberdemons

Wierdest Monster: Cacodemon. Did i hear someone say he's cute? Screw that, it bites! (Cacodemon was originally the greek name given to particularly smart demons...It's a fact!)

Funniest monster: Tie between P.E. and Mancubus. They're both morons, but they hurt like hell!

Wussiest Monsters: Anything below demons

Pain In The Ass Monster: Pain Elemental (especially using rockets...BUAAARGH!)

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the range of fav mosters is too wide for the 5 poll slots.

so take the top 4 enemies and have the last slot be a "other" geez...not that difficult

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I've got a great souvenir about the Cyberdemon squishes me away in the Tower Of Babel the first time I play...

...but the Spectre is amazingly awful in dark areas !
Like Phobos Lab for example ;)

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The Cyberdemon, of course! (Someone should make a TC where you play as a Cyberdemon)
But the enemies i hate most are arch-vile, revenant, and mancubus. Of course they don't exist in the Ultimate Doom, but i don't play it much.

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<=== Hey I'm a member now! Grand!

hardly I think.

Funny... Now that sentence is stuck in my head...I'll have to make it my next Signature.

To answer the question,

The demon/spector on nightmare. He should have been like that on all the skill levels.

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Archviles. If you ever see Tarin, ask him about how I love them and he doesn't. And, some of us never visit the polls forum.

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