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Freedoom shareware version for jDoom


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I finish with the editing of FreeDoom1 maps for jDoom compatability, who wants to test them out ???

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You know that jDoom has its own complete (well near enough anyway) texture, monster, sound and music replacement dont you? I'm struggling to understand your motive. If you just want to see the the freedoom iwad in GL, theres ZdoomGL, or GLBoom - the only thing that jDoom offers over those 2 are those optional extras. Which incidentally replace everything in freedoom. (well, except the levels)

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chilvence said:

You know that jDoom has its own complete (well near enough anyway) texture, monster, sound and music replacement dont you? I'm struggling to understand your motive. If you just want to see the the freedoom iwad in GL, theres ZdoomGL, or GLBoom - the only thing that jDoom offers over those 2 are those optional extras. Which incidentally replace everything in freedoom. (well, except the levels)

He uses Linux, so his Source Port choices aren't that big. :o

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What possible "incompatibilities" were there? And were they not possibly the fault of jdoom if they ran right in every other port?

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Well most of incompatibility were minor. Like red, blue and green door weren't label red, green or blue. Floors that don't lower, I did some fancy editing with a few things, so it almost impossible to see the difference.

The most problems I had was with EMl7. There were lines that were over lapped and sectors that aren't solid. Despite all this I had to end up deleting one door and rebuild another.

But please give it a try and tell me what you think.

Maybe you can help me come with a solution for EMl7

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Well when he does look at which I dought he will have time to, please let me know on what he decide.

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tony said:

Well when he does look at which I dought he will have time to, please let me know on what he decide.

Do you have a job?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I extracted the modified levels and put them here. Sorry for the delay in dealing with this stuff. I'll try and have a look at the changes tonight.

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