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How to merge wads together ?

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Hi to everybody !

Is it possible to merge severals individual wads into one big wad ?
I'd like to do that with the master levels.
Put all the 20 wads into one wad to have a fluid master levels adventure, but I don't know how to do that...
(with Deepsea maybe...)
I think the level replacement will be a problem too.
Is it possible to change the order ?

Anyway, I don't know how to proceed... As usually... ;)
And I don't know if it's possible.
Any help are welcome.

Another question:
When will "RETURN TO CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN" be available in stores ?

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allmost every wad editor can do this, I prefer "Hellmaker".

I mean, you just have to open a wad and then save it to a new file or into another one - that sould work similar in every editor.

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well, I think there is probably some way to do it, but I doubt that it would be 100% legal to do this, certainly you can't distribute the package,because they are ID property

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1. Use an editor to open up the wads you want to merge, and assign each wad the MapName you wish (e.g., 01, 02, 03, etc.) Make sure you have unique MapNames.
2. Use a utility such as WinTex to merge Map02 to Map01, then Map03 to the merged Map01-02, then Map04 to the merged Map01-02-03, and so on.

That's it.

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