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Master/Maximum levels for Doom 2?

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"One time we tried breeding a Bulldog with a Shi Tzu... We called it a Bullshit! AHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAGHHHHH!"

I like to steal cheesy lame quotes from movies, too.

Ahahaha... Dumb and Dumber was such a lame movie.

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I think people are confusing the Master Levels and Maximum Doom. The latter was a collection of user levels that ID collected from the 'net, while the former was a set of levels that ID commisionned a group of who they believed to be the "best" Doom level designers to create. They just happened to both be on the same CD.

Most of the Master Levels were great, even excellent in a couple of instances. The designers included John W. Anderson, Tim Willits (pre-ID), Sverre Kvernmo, Christian Klie, Jim Flynn and Tom Mustaine. All except Flynn are now working for professional game companies.

IMHO the best levels were the ones by Anderson and Kvernmo.

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I think I actually played ORACLE once... is it the one with the screens on the level wall that show you how to get certain items/keys? I thought that was a pretty neat thing to include. Sadly more wads haven't used it.

Yes, that's the one. IMO it was an awesome level, in most respects. And, IMO it's a damn shame the screen thing hasn't been used since much. I was contemplating it for a puzzle in Murderous Intent 2, though.

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Ok, no more abandonware adresses coming from me!

They learn quick :)

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Ok, no more abandonware adresses coming from me!

They learn quick :)

Ya see? If a puppy pisses on the rug, you don't bash it's head in. You whap it on the nose and it learns better.

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