Crendowing Posted October 3, 2001 Some retard said that he couldn't understand why Doom 3 was coming out because.... get this.... DOOM 2 WASN'T OUT YET! I remember that same post. I've been checking out the forums looooooooooong before I became a member. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted October 4, 2001 Hmmm, fresh meat. Anyway, 2003 is too damn late. I'd say Xmas 2002 top. And what's the deal with current games? Some people just don't understand that we have archieved a state of complexity that makes it impossible to release bug-free games. Try to code a game, and see it for yourself. It is amazing how bugs pop up from places where FUCKING NOTHING should be working wrong. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted October 4, 2001 Try to code a game, and see it for yourself. It is amazing how bugs pop up from places where FUCKING NOTHING should be working wrong.Fuck, well maybe they fucking shouldn't fucking code such fucking advanced fucking engines and fucking stick to the fucking basics that fucking made the fucking old fucking games so fucking fun to fucking play. 0 Share this post Link to post
elbryan42 Posted October 4, 2001 FUCK YEAH! 2D forever! (Doom's still considered 2d isn't it?) 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted October 4, 2001 Yeah, that's fucking clever. I had the same thoughts until I tried those old games "just for memories". FUCKING YUCK FPSs work quite well, cause it's all about simple gameplay. But for God´s sake, play any RTS, RPG, Sim, TBS game that's actually ->old<- I just can't stand them anymore. Give me complexity, give me little details, inmersive history, clever and rational puzzles, replayability, human-like responses and behavior. Some old games where great games long ago. Now they're just classics. That doesn't mean they're eternally fun. And if you think they are because you keep DooM in your head, I tell you. The game itself is friggin boring to all of you already, its the modding and the customization what kept it alive. 0 Share this post Link to post
elbryan42 Posted October 4, 2001 come on! teenage mutant ninja turtles 4 is still one of the ultimate party games! it's a blast! 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted October 4, 2001 But for God´s sake, play any RTS, RPG, Sim, TBS game that's actually ->old<-Yeah, and? I've been playing Zelda and Zelda 2 for the past 3 weeks, those games kick as much ass now as they ever did. 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted October 4, 2001 /me eats (out) kittie KAT Hit on girls that you know in real life. That works better than hitting on a girl thats on the net. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted October 4, 2001 Some old games where great games long ago. Now they're just classics. That doesn't mean they're eternally fun. By article 5 of the FlatHead Treaty of 1995, a verbal attack on any classic game shall be considered an attack against all classic games. And as article 7, paragraph 4 clearly states, an insult to X-COM UFO Defense demans immediate retaliatory action. /me pushes the little red button marked "Pointy Missiles Of Doom For Argentina" Man, I've been replaying X-Com for a while now and it brings tears to my eyes. This game is just as fun and challenging to play as it was seven years ago... It's aged better than any game I know, and I can firmly state it's the best game ever. In terms of "I'm stuck on an island with only a laptop and one game", DOOM doesn't even come close. Blaster bomb meets Chryssalid -> "WHOOOF.... bzzit.... bziitt... bzzitt... BOOOM". Hehe. 0 Share this post Link to post
elbryan42 Posted October 4, 2001 there's few games that have stood the test of time: -doom games -tetris games -castlevania games -megaman games all of these games don't change their concept much (excluding the n64 3d crap). good old 2d. the games still look and play aweome today. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted October 4, 2001 excluding the n64 3d crapUgh, I swear every game on that system used the same shitty engine, they just change viewpoints and control sensitivity. They even put 3D on ZELDA for Chrissakes. I wouldn't mind if they used that engine for a top-down view, but shit, talk about ruining all the classics. N64 was a sin, and all the new games are just getting worse and worse. 0 Share this post Link to post
elbryan42 Posted October 4, 2001 the n64 was awesome for the first year. then they released fucking goldeneye. the first shitty game in a whole list of shitty games. exceptions are zelda, mk4, and quake (not quake 2). 0 Share this post Link to post
CacodemonLeader Posted October 4, 2001 come on! teenage mutant ninja turtles 4 is still one of the ultimate party games! it's a blast! Um, you mean Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time? That ruled. Me and my cousin played it but we both ran out of credits quickly on Hard Mode. 0 Share this post Link to post
elbryan42 Posted October 4, 2001 what a coincedence! every time my cousin came by, we rented it out and played the thing all night long. with it being super easy, it actually made it more fun. that game is pure perfection. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted October 5, 2001 When I was 15 I rented Illusion of Gaia at 2:45 in the afternoon. At 5:20 in the morning I was watching the ending. I only stopped playing it ONCE to take a piss and watch Duckman. That game is a fucking work of ART. The graphics aren't spectacular, the music wouldn't win any awards... but that storyline.. its like you're playing the game and reading it from the guy's diary as well. Very cool... and a very different ending to the destroy-the-big-evil RPG bit. Quite nice. The scene with the Princess and the underground city of angels... and how it all happened so long ago but this hour long scene is only five minutes to everyone else... man, that shit was just ODD. Megaman will never die. I play through ALL of them every single fucking year. The first three Metroids are really cool too. Metroid 4 (GBA) is supposed to be a lot like 3 so I can't fucking wait to get my grubby claws on it. Metroid Prime (GC) is taking the series into the realm of the FPS... so it'll be interesting to see how NINTENDO WILL MAKE A FIRST PERSON SHOOTER. I always liked the Zelda games but after I finished them I couldn't force myself to play through them more than once again. The first time I got into Zelda was the first time I got stoned and stared at my ceiling fan for twenty minutes, and that was on the SNES. I did go back and go through the first two soon afterwards. =) Of course, I remember playing 7th Saga to Dream Theater while I was at it, and don't tell me I'm the only motherfucker on this forum who rented E.V.O. eight times. ^_^ 0 Share this post Link to post
LorD BaZTArD Posted October 5, 2001 Yes. Yes you are. Eight times? no comment. 0 Share this post Link to post
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