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what happened to....

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hey what ever happened to hissy. after ling freed him i have heard nothing about it. is hissy still free or rotting in a trash dump somewere. WHat about all the free hissy people out there are u guys still here?

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1. Hissy is hiding behind you right now and he is about to make his move and feast on your jugular vein.

2. What fraggle' said.

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hey what ever happened to hissy. after ling freed him i have heard nothing about it. is hissy still free or rotting in a trash dump somewere. WHat about all the free hissy people out there are u guys still here?

Well I'm still here, and I used to support hissy, and heck, hissy is still free, and no one should put hissy in the trash because if they did, then chrozoron would be pissed off at them and he will SERIOUSLY hurt whoever threw hissy in the trash can.

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