Sephiroth Posted October 6, 2001 i just got a completly new 486DX/100 mother board(with CPU), super I/O card, and a VBL Svga card. for about $4. Well this is going to one of my classic systems. Also VBL cards i have not seen in so long, not sure what VBL means but it is a card that uses 2 slots, a ISA/EISA and what looks like a PCI but brown. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted October 6, 2001 Ugh, I can't even get rid of all my old 486's and Pentium 90-150's. 0 Share this post Link to post
999cop Posted October 6, 2001 i can see how technical sephiroth is ever since reading his posts and most of them are related to ........ 0 Share this post Link to post
Kid Airbag Posted October 6, 2001 Ugh, I can't even get rid of all my old 486's and Pentium 90-150's. I wouldn't say no to one of those... 0 Share this post Link to post
Sephiroth Posted October 6, 2001 yea i like to do alot of computer work, it is a hobby for me even if i use older parts. I am useing these for a doom related cause, soon i will be hosting a doom LAN party in my area. so far i have 2 1/2 computers with some other random parts. If anyone has parts they want to sell or give away email me or talk to me on AIM, I will buy them if they are in good condition, if u ask a good price and if they are farly new(above 486). I will also pay shipping. I plan to hold my doom LAN part in the spring 0 Share this post Link to post
spank Posted October 6, 2001 I think you're talking about VLB. That stands for Vesa Local Bus, and most PCI video cards comply to that standard... or something like that. 0 Share this post Link to post
Sephiroth Posted October 7, 2001 yea that is what i am talking about. I am just saying how strange it looks. It uses both a ISA and A PCI slot, but PCI cards can't be used, unless they are made some strange way. The board is about 1993-94, it is new because it sat in a whare house for so many years 0 Share this post Link to post
kain Posted October 7, 2001 i have a 1.5 gig harddrive, a p100, and a mobo socket 7 and 8 megs of edo ram ( 4 slots ) . also i have a non atx power suply ( dont know what its called but the connector to the mobo is two pieces, not one ) and an old keybore and a 32x cdrom drive.I am willing to sell all this for $30 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted October 7, 2001 dont know what its called but the connector to the mobo is two pieces, not oneAT 0 Share this post Link to post
Sephiroth Posted October 7, 2001 that sounds like a sweet deal, and yes that would be a AT powersupply. currently i am ready to head off to a computer show, with cheap ass everything. I plan on geting doom/doomII(original boxes) LINUX 8.0, pentium stuff, a PIII 650 slot A, and some 72 pin SIMM's 0 Share this post Link to post
kain Posted October 7, 2001 fo real?? so am i but i have to drag my parents to take me. 0 Share this post Link to post
Sephiroth Posted October 8, 2001 well i got back, didn't get all i need but i will go in two weeks. I made a sweet deal 10 CD-ROM drives for $5, they may be used and a bit beat up but all of them work, Also they are not the fastest alot of double speeds the most is a 8x. These are going into older systems anyway, also 4 are SCSI, I have only one SCSI system, the server. Also they did ask a bit much for some other older parts like pentium and 486. They asked $10 each for 486 cpu's, hell i bought a 486DX/66, the mother board, IO card and 2 video cards for $5. I also under stand 72 pin SIMM's are a bit pricey because they are no longer made. $8 a pair was the cheapest, so i got 2 32's. Oh well this will make another classic system so now i have 4 for the LAN party set up 0 Share this post Link to post
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