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PrBoom-Plus, ver.

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Deus Vult map01 no longer works for me on the latest prboom-plus ( I tried default configs and switching between GL and Software modes, no difference.

Every map01 demo currently out there, including the one I recorded myself two months ago, exits after playing for a few moments with a "signal 11" error.
If I set "level_precache 1", the crash is immediate.

If it's of any use, this is the stuff that appears on "stdout.txt":

G_DoPlayDemo: playing demo with boom v2.02 compatibility
P_GetNodesVersion: using normal BSP nodes
P_SpawnMapThing: solid hanging body in tall sector at 11200,-11328 (type=73)
P_SpawnMapThing: solid hanging body in tall sector at 10048,-12736 (type=73)
P_SpawnMapThing: solid hanging body in tall sector at 6112,-10432 (type=73)
I_SignalHandler: Exiting on signal: signal 11

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Works for me. Try to use debug build from sourceforge and add "-devparm" switch for taking real address of crash. Attach dr watson log in case of using XP (after crashing). Does work?

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entryway said:

Works for me. Try to use debug build from sourceforge and add "-devparm" switch for taking real address of crash. Attach dr watson log in case of using XP (after crashing). Does work?

I looked around for test version but couldn't find it. Could you post a link for it?

"-devparm" immediately crashes GlBoom/PrBoom (on purpose?).
The following is in drwtsn.log after the crash:

**removed ridiculously long lines of code**

I excluded the process list because it was so long and probably makes no difference since in the past I've had no problems.

I also tried and's debug version but those were no different than the current version I use.

The funny thing is that I can play map01 without a problem, but if I try to watch a demo, it crashes. I vaguely remember having a similar problem with one of the levels in AV, but that was a long time ago.

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Hm. Pastebin isn't cooperating with me:

Query failure: Table './pastebin/pastebin' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
Not that it matters, because now it works seemingly on every version with my edited configs as well.
I have absolutely no idea why, but it crashed because I renamed the demo I was watching to "1.lmp".
Go figure...

Thanks for the support!

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z0diac said:

I have absolutely no idea why, but it crashed because I renamed the demo I was watching to "1.lmp".

Yeah, I've already got your crash too. That's because there is lump with name "1" in dv.wad and prboom-plus still uses bad tactic of adding demoname into global lumps list and then tries to load your demo as a patch. I fixed it few years ago, but did not commit it hitherto

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entryway said:

Yeah, I've already got your crash too. That's because there is lump with name "1" in dv.wad and prboom-plus still uses bad tactic of adding demoname into global lumps list and then tries to load your demo as a patch. I fixed it few years ago, but did not commit it hitherto

Ah, the beauty of programming.

This got me browsing through the Alien Vendetta demo list on DSDA because I always wondered why it happened in some map I couldn't remember.
I found that at least map13 and map14 have the same problem with "1.lmp".

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vdgg said:

A question: how to play back Kristian Ronge's max on ddoption, MAP02 (I only tried -emulate 2.2.3, no success)

Wrong wad version?

Exe: Recorded with PrBoom 2.2.4 with -complevel 0 (doom2.exe comp)

PrBoom 2.2.4 also desyncs.

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Yes, the dates of the lmp and the wad suggest that this was recorded on an earlier version. The wad needed was called ddoptions.wad (info from my autoloading patterns).

I have tried to find some info from searching the forums, but no luck so far. Will post again if I have anything relevant.

But clearly not a prboom-plus issue.

Edit: the download link was in this post, but it is now dead, and not available on Internet Archive either.

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Ledmeister said:

Downloaded GlBoom+ test, and I'm noticing something a little weird with pitch-shifting on:
Standing near, or on, some slow-moving structures, such as emerging staircases, the sound is extra thumpy, with a sort of pew-pew-pew overtone. Like... I dunno, a Stormtrooper blaster with a built-in subwoofer. %)
Here's a video of the crushers in Doom v1.9 E2M2. (Stereo recommended. You may, or may not, want to crank the sound.)


I get the same sound when, for example, standing on the slow-building stairs near the regular exit in E1M3.

Anyone else hear this the same way when trying the pitch-shifting on their own rigs?

I also thought it sounded odd, then checked v1.2 and found it also has the thumping:

So, after ten years we get to hear what prBoom's pitch shift implementation sounds like. It's not quite as robust as in the old DOOM versions, IMO - there's less variation in the pitch - but thanks to entryway for making it work nonetheless. There are many scenarios in DOOM when you hear the same sound played over and over, that can be pretty tedious. Pitch shifting solves that problem nicely.

Grazza said:

entryway said (re: v1.2 demo desyncs):Fixed[/b]

Wow. I see that must have been a lot of work, given the multiple issues.

Wow indeed! That must have been the most understated fix announcement ever. ;) Kudos to Andrey for succeeding where everyone else failed, and in such short time, too.

For those curious about v1.2 demos, there are several dozen in the DHT3 section of /idgames (DHT = DOOM Honorific Titles, the grandfather of Compet-N). Every demo I tried so far plays back fine to the end, and now you can finally confirm the kills and secrets percentages and the exact times on them!

Note that you still won't see the tally screen unless you add a few (hundred) WAIT tics to the end of the demo. You can do this with lmputil. Here is the syntaxis:

lmputil -wait 700 olddemo.lmp newdemo.lmp
That addes 20 seconds (DOOM has 35 tics per second) to the end of the file, longer demos may need more because the percentages and the time take time to calculate. If you want them calculated instantly manually editing with a hex editor (e.g. HxD) is a better way. This way you can add a USE tic as well - just copy and paste this code at the end of the .lmp, just before the quit byte (0x80 in hex, [b]€ in ANSI).

Would be cool if prBoom-plus could add these on the fly, on demo playback (without altering the files, of course). ;)

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Never_Again said:

Would be cool if prBoom-plus could add these on the fly, on demo playback (without altering the files, of course). ;)

I'll second that feature request (as an option, of course), and in the form described in your last two sentences (with a USE tic), so that the stats appear immediately.

Thanks for the reminder about the DHT3 section in the archive.

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Link to post is out, by the way

[+] Added support for textured automap. Available in the menu at "Options\Setup\Automap\Enable Textured Display".

[+] "Next Level" key now works during normal play, and not just during demo playback.

[+] Added "-shotdir" command line switch and "screenshot_dir" config variable. Default folder for screenshots is now exe_dir.

[+] Two new sponsored HUDs.

  • Added ability (overrun_missedbackside_emulate 1) to emulate wrong memory access for cases when some linedefs have a two-sided flag set, but no second sidedef. Fixed desynch on CLNJ-506.LMP @ CHALLENJ.WAD

  • Broken BLOCKMAP lumps won't be recreated automatically. Use "-blockmap" command line switch if PrBoom-plus reports a buggy blockmap.

  • The "-solo-net" and "-emulate x.y.z" params are saved to the demo footer.

  • Added frustum culling for sprites if mouse look is enabled (gl_sprites_frustum_culling). If you look up or down on nuts.wad with this, frame rate will increase instead of decreasing.

  • Improved compatibility with Doom 1.2. All known Doom 1.2 demos including ret12na.lmp @ return01.wad, wp2-33.lmp @ wadpak2.wad and uac_dead demos by Never_Again are now in sync.

  • GLBDEFS alias for GLDEFS lump to avoid compatibility issues with other ports. Note that if GLBDEFS is present, GLDEFS will not be parsed at all.

  • Command-line added demos don't conflict with lump names anymore. For example, you can play map01.lmp back on map01.

  • Incorrect nodes on e1m1 @ deepcre.wad don't crash PrBoom-plus anymore.

    [-] The title screen from the Duke Nukem total conversion PWAD didn't appear in software mode, being replaced by a black screen.

    [-] Pitch-shift emulation didn't work.

    [-] On-screen graphics like PAUSE, M_DOOM, TITLEPIC, etc didn't fit in the screen at 16x9 aspect ratios and "not adjusted" mode for "status bar and menu appearance".

    [-] Fixed glitch in "no texture" mapping trick under invulnerability when using hires textures.

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    Kaiser said:

    I see you finally got the frustum culling to work. What was it you did that got it working?

    Nothing special. I use single gld_SphereInFrustum() for sprites instead of gld_VertextInFrustum() for each vertex. Also I did not remove all fast fixed point checks like if (tz < r_near_clip_plane) return; Yesterday I tested frustum culling for sprites with gzdoom on nuts.wad and got 60 fps instead of 40 at the start position and 185 instead of 30 when I look down (~50 degrees). But generally it has no real sense for gzdoom, because of huge slowdown after shooting. Probably would be useful for dynlights.

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    Is it possible to allow command line options in the Prboom-plus launcher.

    For example when the launcher is open I would like to play the demo without music, but I found no such option.

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    entryway said:

    Yesterday I tested frustum culling for sprites with gzdoom on nuts.wad and got 60 fps instead of 40 at the start position and 185 instead of 30 when I look down (~50 degrees). But generally it has no real sense for gzdoom, because of huge slowdown after shooting. Probably would be useful for dynlights.

    Would you mind giving me the code anyway? This I'd like to check myself.

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    TendaMonsta said:

    Is it possible to allow command line options in the Prboom-plus launcher.
    For example when the launcher is open I would like to play the demo without music, but I found no such option.

    Sounds like you need a good frontend. ;)

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    Graf Zahl said:

    Would you mind giving me the code anyway? This I'd like to check myself.

    Something like that:

    But you need to use more precise values for x/y/zcenter and radius. In glboom-plus I have:

        if (!gld_SphereInFrustum(
          sprite.x + cos_inv_yaw * (sprite.x1 + sprite.x2) / 2.0f,
          sprite.y + (sprite.y1 + sprite.y2) / 2.0f,
          sprite.z - sin_inv_yaw * (sprite.x1 + sprite.x2) / 2.0f,
          //1.5 == sqrt(2) + small delta for MF_FOREGROUND
          (float)(MAX(patch->width, patch->height)) / MAP_COEFF / 2.0f * 1.5f))

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    Never_Again said:

    Sounds like you need a good frontend. ;)

    Say! This is quite nice. I used to have ZDL, but it didn't have as many options as this. Thanks a bunch!

    Did anyone ever record a demo with Prboom-plus2.5.0.8 and attempt to play it back and it says "Unknown demo format 80".

    I was recording Kama Sutra MAP13 Solo-net max and got a time of 5:16 and I attempted to play it back and it said Unknown demo format? What does this mean.

    Nevermind...I spelled complevel wrong.

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    I want to set my right mouse button as my "use" key, but I don't want to double click, just single click. Also, I don't want to have any other functions bound to that same button (eg. the right mouse button shouldn't also be a "move forward" key).

    Is this possible?

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    Creaphis said:

    I want to set my right mouse button as my "use" key, but I don't want to double click, just single click. Also, I don't want to have any other functions bound to that same button (eg. the right mouse button shouldn't also be a "move forward" key).

    Is this possible?

    I second this request.

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    Creaphis said:

    I want to set my right mouse button as my "use" key, but I don't want to double click, just single click. Also, I don't want to have any other functions bound to that same button (eg. the right mouse button shouldn't also be a "move forward" key).

    Is this possible?

    The most you can do is go into the config file and set the values for the middle and right click buttons to "-1" if you don't want them to do anything.. as for single click use... I have brought this to entryway's attention before. Sadly it still isn't implemented.

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    Congratulations, one of you gentlemen is the 666th person to complain about this, and your prize is..!

    Seriously though I don't think it's a feature entryway himself is particularly interested in, but in the next build you should be able to put "mouseb_use 2" and "mouseb_forward -1" in your prboom-plus.cfg.

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    As what I have said yesterday, my have got problems and no longer used. Other doomers recommand me to use Although it do works and can play doom again, problems on demos and recording is seen.

    When I record the wads, there's no problem at all. Doom.wad shows doom levels, wos.wad shows WOS levels. However when I want to have a look at the playback, it shows all doom2 levels. All of the wads are the same! What happens?

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    On a related note, I tried running doom.wad, and I couldn't even select the episodes. Got a blurry version of Doom 2 Map 1.

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