myk Posted October 5, 2008 Ah, I missed something: Mike.Reiner said: Out of curiosity, what is your control scheme? I use "WESD" with Novert, like this: W: strafe left E: forward S: backward D: strafe right Space: run (my thumb is over this) Control: use (I hit it with the palm of my hand) I've swapped the Q and console (~) keys to avoid accidentally quitting during recording. Doom quits instantly with it while -record is used. This may sound ironic given what I argued regarding key mapping, but I don't really think unusual mapping is necessarily evil, just that in Doom and Boom compatibility they shouldn't be part of the standard engine behavior to encourage that people play more or less with a certain range of settings, as people have done for years. ~: turn left + strafe (for sr50)* Alt: turn right (to be used with left mouse to sr50 in the other direction) * In Q's place. Right mouse: fire Left mouse: strafe (also double-click use) I even made an alias for double-click to work in ZDoom engines and the like where the left button serves as jump instead of strafe, as well as another alias for ~ to work as above. A is scoreboard, C is chasecam, Q is the console, and Y is team talk. The rest are standard Doom settings (1-8: weapons, T: talk, Tab: automap, F: follow mode, C: clear marks, &c) I used the default controls, but unlike the smarter players, I used ALT to strafe, and never < or >, so I didn't have the control that others did, I did that too. I think it's pretty easy to start that way, and even retain that configuration for a long while if one isn't in touch with more players, especially experienced ones. Things like demos and online play make one improve configs quickly (or how to use strafe to full effect), to survive and because one learns from the others. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ReFracture Posted October 5, 2008 I actually caught that before you made a new post for it. :P Odd control setup, but I suppose whatever suits you is proper. Easier access to some of the weapons I imagine. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
HackNeyed Posted October 5, 2008 myk said:Unlike the more rarely used mouse drivers, Novert is a DOOM specific tool that was widely used popular places like COMPET-N and the online Deathmatch scene. If you don't include extra key options you leave things like they were with the DOS executables (Doom and Boom, at least). It's still possible to change them, but it's up to the user to get any apps (drivers, TSRs, OS programs) to do so. This makes them non-standard and secondary. ... The fun is in using a certain set of physical and coded possibilities to play, which allows a good degree of competitiveness and comparability. myk said:A reasonable possibility, other that sticking to Boom behavior in general as PrBoom is more or less doing, would be to enforce engine-specific configuration ranges per compatibility level. This would allow more casual players to choose a wider range (in compatibility level -1 and such), even more liberal than Boom's, and would offer speed runners the input setups of the engines they record for. Most speed runners would thus likely use Doom-compatible input settings, because that's the common denominator. I couldn't come up with a better word then elitist when it sounds like users can either use the functions provided by the original standard way of defining settings (that you enjoy working within) or they can just forget about playing or recording at your preferred complevel unless they seek out external programs. Of course all doom2.exe speed runners would use Doom-compatible input settings but under your rules nobody else gets the option for more at the complevel they enjoy. You might be talking about competitiveness and comparability between this engine vs that engine to some extent but what about just giving everyone the option to set up their controls however suites them best and using their in game performance as THE benchmark. COMPET-N doesn't allow ports and I can respect that but then it hardly matters what you can do in a port since it is already disqualified. Again I'm not saying we should even add new functions, 'single click to use' is already programmed into the game. I can see somewhat where you are coming from though. Back in GoldenEye on the N64 my friends and I used to play the hell out of it and one of them is left handed and I am right handed so he had to take his thumb off the movement controls to reload or change weapons where as I was free to move (ie dodge) while reloading and changing weapons. I thought that was unfair however since he was way better then the rest of us I just considered it a small handicap in our favor. Still, a more 'fair' solution would have been to have those buttons on the other side of his controller so we all had the same options of usable input that fit us individually. Even though some of us were better with the analog stick then others, well, that couldn't be helped but at least it would have been slightly more about our skills in game then about our skills at groping a controller. I'll admit I was annoyed when I switched from playing Halo where the X button reloads to playing Mercenaries where the X button chucks grenades. I know it was partly my fault for not adapting more quickly and that's why I blew up stuff I intended to shoot but it brings about my point that the less you have to think about 'how to do' the faster you can get into just doing it and reach the gameplay. I know we aren't going to agree totally and indeed we don't have to either. I think it comes down to where we draw the line. We both enjoy the classic game, bugs and quirks and all. However you see the interface as a part of the gameplay and as another part to 'overcome' if I my stretch a bit where as I see the interface as a means to reach the gameplay that is 'buried' behind it. This reminds me of a discussion I had with a co-worker on videogames that soon turned into a deadlock discussion of faith, purity, integrity and duality. I said there was nothing wrong with being a good person and playing a game where aside from teamwork and strategy the goal was to kill other digital players even if 'death' and 'harm' were being used in a form of entertainment. She however felt that there was a disconnect there and that purity and integrity were more easily defined when a person is both good in the real world and good in their fantasy world. Now I can agree with that to some extent but aside from the politicians that speak of family first and have a secret lover on the side I feel that it is an overly specialized view that doesn't leave much room for the rest of the world or indeed what makes us human and interesting and individual. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TimeOfDeath Posted October 5, 2008 I'll probably get made fun of for this, but how about an option to disable infinitely tall actors? Not necessarily for older maps (unless the author says it ok) but the authors of new maps could build their maps to use this option. Like doom2 format slaughter maps. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ReFracture Posted October 5, 2008 TimeOfDeath said:I'll probably get made fun of for this, but how about an option to disable infinitely tall actors? Not necessarily for older maps (unless the author says it ok) but the authors of new maps could build their maps to use this option. Like doom2 format slaughter maps. I've often wondered what is required for such a thing to happen. I've always thought that if such features were ever implemented in PrBoom, that it should only be enabled for wads designed for it. As in, the wad has a lump similar to ZDoom's MAPINFO, that PrBoom could read, and if permitted, enable such features. But PrBoom+ has a goal of maintaining compatibility, so I don't thing such a thing would ever happen. I'm not really sure if you could implement such a feature without breaking it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
entryway Posted October 5, 2008 Options\General\COMPATIBILITY WITH COMMON MAPPING ERRORS\Walk under solid hanging bodies? Allows the player to pass under hanging objects in tall sectors that would otherwise block movement. (Not available for recording, playback or with demo_compatibility.) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ReFracture Posted October 5, 2008 entryway said:Options\General\COMPATIBILITY WITH COMMON MAPPING ERRORS\Walk under solid hanging bodies? So is that the same as not having infinitely tall actors? As in, you could run under caco demons and what have you? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
entryway Posted October 5, 2008 Mike.Reiner said:you could run under caco demons? Ah... no, of course. It's only for hanging bodies. Does TimeOfDeath want to walk under cacos in Doom? :) Is it possible in ZDoom? I even did not think about such natural behaviour... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ReFracture Posted October 5, 2008 ZDoom fully supports limited height actors. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
TimeOfDeath Posted October 5, 2008 Yes, I'd like to walk under and over monsters in PrBoom-Plus. :) It's not a big deal, I just thought it might be a neat feature for prboom plus, where you can still have the classic Doom feeling but also walk over/under monsters. Last year I wanted to convert some of my spam maps into Doom2 format maps, but I hated playing it with infinitely tall actors, so I gave up. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
myk Posted October 6, 2008 You could try the Eternity Engine for that. It offers something pretty similar to PrBoom but incorporates many Heretic-like features. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ReFracture Posted October 6, 2008 I've actually been playing quite a bit of eternity lately (since quasar was looking for people to test out a beta) and it's pretty neat stuff. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Grazza Posted October 6, 2008 I don't see that this sort of thing (or other Hexen stuff) should introduce compatibility problems, as long as it is optional and not for recording or playback below current complevel. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
tatsurd-cacocaco Posted October 15, 2008 I have two anxious things from previous prboom+ version. (Using win32) One: A behavior of teleport effect is odd on complevel 4. (Final Doom's doom2.exe) Two: Status bar depend on light level of the secter. (This occur glboom only) Can these be fixed? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
myk Posted October 15, 2008 tatsurd-cacocaco said: One: A behavior of teleport effect is odd on complevel 4. (Final Doom's doom2.exe) That's actually normal. The releases of Final DOOM that were shipped with a DOS executable (instead of Doom95, or in addition to it) include an executable that is slightly different than the one for DOOM II. Compatibility level 4 emulates this DOS executable, which includes that glitchy teleport behavior (as well as lost souls bouncing like in Doom95). With Final DOOM you can use compatibility level 2 if you want to avoid this glitch (force it in the CFG or the command line). Many Final DOOM demos on compet-n are recorded with the Final DOOM executable, while some are recorded with the DOOM II executable (true v1.9). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
entryway Posted October 15, 2008 tatsurd-cacocaco said:Two: Status bar depend on light level of the secter. (This occur glboom only) send me your stdout.txt and do you have the same bug with gl_compatibility 1 in cfg? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
tatsurd-cacocaco Posted October 15, 2008 myk said:That's actually normal. The releases of Final DOOM that were shipped with a DOS executable (instead of Doom95, or in addition to it) include an executable that is slightly different than the one for DOOM II. Compatibility level 4 emulates this DOS executable, which includes that glitchy teleport behavior (as well as lost souls bouncing like in Doom95). With Final DOOM you can use compatibility level 2 if you want to avoid this glitch (force it in the CFG or the command line). Many Final DOOM demos on compet-n are recorded with the Final DOOM executable, while some are recorded with the DOOM II executable (true v1.9). Myk, Thank you for answering. I don't know it. When I bought Final Doom, Doom95 was included in it.I said:Two: Status bar depend on light level of the secter. (This occur glboom only) For example, this my video from 40 seconds. (Using ver. entryway said:send me your stdout.txt OK! hereentryway said:do you have the same bug with gl_compatibility 1 in cfg? Yes, I tried it just now. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
entryway Posted October 15, 2008 tatsurd-cacocaco said:For example, this my video from 40 seconds. (Using ver. Your report about of such bug is the second. In both cases on board Intel is used. Also I think you have the same problem with all known versions of vanilla glboom. Correct? EDIT: Fixed? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
HackNeyed Posted October 15, 2008 entryway said:Your report about of such bug is the second. In both cases on board Intel is used. Also I think you have the same problem with all known versions of vanilla glboom. Correct? That reminds me. I also get a similar glitch with most Quake exes on a laptop with integrated Intel graphics, only their status bar is always black unless firing a weapon. Some ports have an obscure config setting that fixes it but messes up other stuff when used on a computer that doesn't require the fix. Also I'd been meaning to ask you, Entryway. Could we please have an option (in the config) to not scale the status bar? In PrBoom 2.02 if I add -width 640 -height 400 to the commandline the status bar is rendered at half size. Sure MBF scales the status bar when set to "high res" and none of the other 'dead engines' PrBoom supports ever had a "high res" option so it isn't even really a cosmetic compatibility but I like it at half the size for a compromise between the informative status bar and the Boom full screen overlay and I sometimes miss that accidental feature from the original PrBoom. Thanks for all of your work either way. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
tatsurd-cacocaco Posted October 15, 2008 entryway said:Your report about of such bug is the second. In both cases on board Intel is used. Also I think you have the same problem with all known versions of vanilla glboom. Correct? EDIT: Fixed? It is all correct. I use Intel core2 Duo now. I tried all version of glboom and glboom+ when starting to make videos. However, such a bug was found all of them. I have confirmed that it was fixed just now. Ohhhhh, Great job! Thank you very much. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
entryway Posted November 9, 2008 Does anybody want to tell me, what is broken with this EXE? Test level is in the archive. Should look like: (3.5 Mb) Eternal.wad should look much better now. Especially map28, heh. P.S. Thanks GrafZahl for the formula in DrawFloodedPlane 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
HackNeyed Posted November 14, 2008 Ok, I just had the weirdest glitch I've seen yet. I was playing Alien Vendetta map 5 in PrBoom+ with complevel 2 and after being bitten by a pinky daemon while on an upward moving lift I was able to walk through walls as long as I didn't have to step up in floor height and so could the monsters but not even splash damage would kill them and I still had alot of health that kept me alive for awhile until the hurting floor I had stumbled on killed me. Simply respawning didn't fix it. Weird. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Grazza Posted November 14, 2008 Sounds like an intercepts overflow. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Csonicgo Posted November 15, 2008 Hi, I use an old laptop to play old games but I still have 3d Acceleration with ATI Rage Pro Mobility... Pr-Boom seems to run great with it! The only exceptions is drawing skys and Spectres are "black" here are 2 screenshots with examples bad skys bad spectre SDL OpenGL PixelFormat: SDL_GL_RED_SIZE: 5 SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE: 6 SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE: 5 SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE: 8 SDL_GL_ACCUM_RED_SIZE: 0 SDL_GL_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE: 0 SDL_GL_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE: 0 SDL_GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE: 0 SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER: 1 SDL_GL_BUFFER_SIZE: 16 SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE: 16 SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES: 0 SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS: 0 SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE: 8 GL_VENDOR: Gareth Hughes, Leif Delgass, Jos� Fonseca GL_RENDERER: Mesa DRI Mach64 [Rage Pro] 20051019 x86/MMX+/3DNow!+/SSE GL_VERSION: 1.2 Mesa 7.0.3-rc2 GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_convolution GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_histogram GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_polygon_offset GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texture GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_APPLE_packed_pixels GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_MESA_ycbcr_texture GL_MESA_window_pos GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_OES_read_format GL_SGI_color_matrix GL_SGI_color_table GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE=512 using GL_ARB_multitexture using GL_EXT_blend_color Using GL_NEAREST for normal textures. Using GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST for mipmap textures. Using texture format GL_RGBA4. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
entryway Posted November 15, 2008 Csonicgo said:bad skys how about glboom+ and gl_compatibility 1 gl_drawskys 2 in cfg? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Csonicgo Posted November 16, 2008 entryway said:how about glboom+ and gl_compatibility 1 gl_drawskys 2 in cfg? Glboom+? can I compile this in linux? I use Glboom lighting model. Gl_compat is 1, and gl_Drawskys wasn't in config. I put it in and set it to "2" and now the sky looks great! thanks! Spectre is still dark. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
entryway Posted November 16, 2008 Csonicgo said:gl_Drawskys wasn't in config. I put it in and set it to "2" and now the sky looks great! thanks! You should know it is not the best solution. With gl_drawskys 2 prboom will draw skybox around a level instead of main algo and this method has defects you can see immediately on map12 at doom2.wad. I implemented this method for voodoo in 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Csonicgo Posted November 16, 2008 entryway said:You should know it is not the best solution. With gl_drawskys 2 prboom will draw skybox around a level instead of main algo and this method has defects you can see immediately on map12 at doom2.wad. I implemented this method for voodoo in I understand. The Chipset in this laptop is very peculiar in how it implemented things; and apparently id software and other companies knew about this. I was told that Quake 3 has a lot of "if rage" like code in it so that people with said card families could play quake 3 with the correct effects. It's hard to troubleshoot something like this when it's the card or its drivers (or a combination of both) being the main problem. I should be happy that it works in the first place, the Windows drivers for this chipset didn't even include OpenGL support, just Direct3D, and even it wasn't "finished". With Linux I am finally able to use the laptop's graphics card somewhat. Perhaps I could get a screenshot of the different blends my card can do, since I ran a lot of Mesa Test programs when compiling video drivers. Bottom line, it's an old old chipset (7 years!) and getting updated drivers (especially in the FOSS world) for old hardware can be quite the challenge. But... workarounds are always awesome. :-) EDIT: I did some googling for "Mesa DRI Mach64" and found immediately that there are serious driver errors that shouldn't be there. just listen to this garbage: 1) Only the first triangle is drawn from display lists (it's used for printing fonts). 2) When large polygon which is partially offscreen is being drawn, it's incorrectly clipped. Visible part of it contains "holes" and texture coordinates are sometimes set to random values. Bummer. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
entryway Posted November 16, 2008 Csonicgo said:I was told that Quake 3 has a lot of "if rage" like code in it so that people with said card families could play quake 3 with the correct effects. Some of them: // ragePro systems can't fade blends, so don't obscure the screen if ( cgs.glconfig.hardwareType == GLHW_RAGEPRO ) { return; }alpha = p->alpha; if ( cgs.glconfig.hardwareType == GLHW_RAGEPRO ) alpha = 1;So I think your accelerator just can't handle a transparency. As workaround you can create following DEH (spectre is without "Partial invisibility") and use it in your cfg in this way: dehfile_1 "for_rage.deh"Patch File for DeHackEd v3.0 # Note: Use the pound sign ('#') to start comment lines. Doom version = 21 Patch format = 6 Thing 14 (Spectre) Bits = 4194310Maybe I'll do some workarounds for Rage Pro in prboom+ later 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Csonicgo Posted November 16, 2008 Yeah, that's the weirdness of it all-- Rage Pro Mobility M-1 (which is what I have) did have alpha transparency... Name RAGE MOBILITY-M1 AGP 8X Total Video Memory 8162KB Total Texture Memory 6242KB Minimum Texture Resolution 1 * 1 Maximum Texture Resolution 1024 * 1024 Maximum Texture Blending Stages 2 Maximum Texture Coordinates 2 Bus PCI Manufacturer Identifier 0x00001002 Chipset Type 0x00004C52 Subsystem Identifier 0x80AF104D Chipset Revision Level 0x00000064 Supported features: Transformation and lighting in hardware No 16-Bit Rendering Yes 24-Bit Rendering No 32-Bit Rendering Yes Textures In Single Pass 2 Driver can disable VSync by software request Yes Edge Antialiasing No Subpixel Accuracy Yes Point Sampling Yes Point Sampling With Mip-Mapping Yes Bilinear Filtering Yes Bilinear Filtering With Mip-Mapping Yes Trilinear Filtering Yes Anisotropic Filtering No Specular Gouraud Yes Vertex Fog Yes Range Fog No Table Fog Yes W-Fog No Alpha Blending Yes Vertex Alpha Blending Yes Vertex And Texture Alpha Blending Yes Additive Alpha Blending Yes Multiplicative Alpha Blending Yes S3 Texture Compression No DX6 Bump Mapping No This just keeps getting weirder... Edit: and even weirder. I'm reading on a troubleshooting site that Vertex alpha is broken in OpenGL, but NOT in Direct3D on this card. That makes absolutely no sense. :P 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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