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PrBoom-Plus, ver.

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Two PrBoom+ questions (yes, again !) :

- since, there's no sound on any of my computers when finding a secret. It's not a big deal, but I was wondering if there was any way to restore the old behavior (which worked just fine) ?

- about the game speed. I don't really understand what do the numbers mean, for example speed 10000 (100x as much as base, which is speed 100) seems to be only about 800% speed.

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Phml said:

- since, there's no sound on any of my computers when finding a secret. It's not a big deal, but I was wondering if there was any way to restore the old behavior (which worked just fine)?

Looks like you are using old prboom-plus.wad (from previous versions) or hudadd_secretarea is 0 in your cfg

Phml said:

- about the game speed. I don't really understand what do the numbers mean, for example speed 10000 (100x as much as base, which is speed 100) seems to be only about 800% speed.

prboom-plus still does not skip frames, so it can't be faster, than your hardware allow

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It seems I was using the old prboom-plus.wad, downloading again and replacing the prboom-plus.wad fixed it. That is odd, as I installed in a new folder the first time around.

As for the speed, I understand. 8x is already fast enough anyway, I was just wondering what was going on.

Thanks !

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entryway said:

Looks like you are using old prboom-plus.wad (from previous versions) or hudadd_secretarea is 0 in your cfg

prboom-plus still does not skip frames, so it can't be faster, than your hardware allow

That explains why at a point it stops getting faster even if you continue to increase the value, interesting.

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Me again with another problem/inquiry.

I've started a TAS demo of BBB.wad (a fairly large level), and after the seven minute mark, while using -recordfromto and -skipsec, I'm getting a return to desktop most of the time as soon as I press the Join key, with the usual error message "I_SignalHandler 11". Loading times with -skipsec seem unusually long too with this level, which I suppose is understandable as the map is so big.

Is there anything I'm doing wrong, or could do to not run into this problem ?

If it's of any use, here's a zip file with the incriminated demos.

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Common steps if you get "Signal 11" message:
1. Download prboom-plus-win32-debug.
1a) <Win+R> drwtsn32 -i <Enter> if you are programmer.
2. Add -devparm switch to your command line
3. Reproduce the crash.
4. Send me C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Dr Watson\drwtsn32.log, pr(gl)boom-plus.cfg and steps to reproduce

Do not know how to do the same with Vista/7 though.

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Alright !

Here's a zip with two demos and the drwtsn32.log file : link

To reproduce the crash :

glboom-plus.exe -file BBB.wad -recordfromto BBBTAS8 BBBTAS9 -skipsec 450 -devparm

Press the Join key anytime during recording.

Thanks for your time.

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Seems like it is ! I tried to reproduce the crash multiple times and couldn't. Nice work. :)

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I've got a new demo problem. Sometimes, when trying to use -recordfromto, I'm getting a return to desktop and error message "Couldn't read file D:\Games\PrBoom+\prboomplus-savegame3.dsg [Unknown Error]". It's either right from the start or a few seconds in the demo - which, by the way, plays back in a weird way. The doomguy, at the start point, turns around, saves the game, pause the game, and then I get this error message.

This happened with Hell Revealed map17 and map18. I was using this shortcut to start the first demo :
-longtics -complevel 2 -skill 4 -file HRMUS.wad HR.wad -warp 17 -record TAS1 (everything worked fine so far)
And this shortcut to record from the first demo :
-file HRMUS.wad HR.wad -recordfromto TAS1 TAS2 -skipsec 10 (this is when things turned wrong)

I've reproduced the crash with the debug version and the -devparm parameter, but it didn't give me any drwtsn32 file. Here's the incriminated demos.

Edit : happens with Scythe2 Map25 and HR Map29 too (only tried these two maps so far). It seems -longtics is causing the problem, as getting rid of it makes everything work as intended. Should I not use -longtics on -complevel 2 demos ?


Edit 2 : Ok, another odd problem. I started recording on Scythe2 Map25 without the -longtics parameter (so, -complevel 2 -skill 4 -file scythe2.wad -warp 25 -record TASn, and -file scythe2.wad -recordfromto TASn TASn+1 -skipsec XX). Barons I had already awoken went back to sleep on a demo (and woke again when seeing me, which is how I noticed it), seemingly right at the moment I pressed the join key, but I'm not sure about that.

Demos. TAS2 was the one recorded from and works correctly, TAS3 was the one recorded to with the sleepy barons.

Seems I'm not getting much luck with -complevel 2. :)

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Phml said:

And this shortcut to record from the first demo :
-file HRMUS.wad HR.wad -recordfromto TAS1 TAS2 -skipsec 10

You should add -longtics here
glboom-plus HRMUS.wad HR.wad -recordfromto TAS1 TAS2 -skipsec 10 -longtics

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Just a few comments for some things I’d like to see and might not be too much trouble to add/fix. Certainly not as pressing as the Win7/sdl feature/bug with the audio and midi levels.

Anyway, I like having the K\S\I statistics in the automap, and I would really like it if there was a way to turn off "Smart Totals" for it like the Boom HUD. Perhaps even tie the settings together for simplicity or make a new Automap menu entry for fuller customization.

It might also be helpful if Rotate and Overlay for the automap were bindable in the menu and not just in the config as cryptic scan codes. Heh, I practically found out about Overlay by accident. Room in the menu could be made by moving "Chatting" to the last screen.

Again, single right/middle click binding would be great for myself and others. For old/new behavior it could be controlled by a menu option under the Mouse section "DBL-Click As Use: Yes/No/Single (or Bindable)" or a separate entry called "Buttons 2/3 Single Click Binds: Allow/Disallow". Someway to allow the old functionality to coexist with the new. Myself and probably others would like to be able to bind Mouse buttons 2 and 3 for single click ‘use’ or Mouse Look toggle or ‘run’ or a weapon or the automap etc... Even just disable them without having to edit the config to -1 for each button.

I think that would be very helpful indeed so some of us can stop using an extra program to play Doom. Boom and other ports removed the need for Novert by adding it's simple idea and I'm simply asking that the need for 3rd party binding software in PrBoom-Plus be removed for such a simple idea as binding Mouse button 2/3 to other useful things.

Cheers :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I ran into a few issues with PrBoom+ recently, so here's a list:

Firstly, the music won't pause if I pause the game. It certainly should, and it does in other ports and even in vanilla. It can be pretty annoying especially in the case of watching long demos as I wouldn't really want to listen to the music if I pause the game to take a break and do some other stuff on the computer.

Another problem is that two player vanilla demos recorded from the second player's viewpoint show both players as green instead of green for the first and indigo for the second.

Thirdly a coop demo we recorded shows a differing kills count at the intermission screen in vanilla and PrBoom+. Here's a comparison pic:


A question popped into my head. Is it on purpose that while the game is in the title screen you cannot bring up the game menu via any keys apart from ESC? Just wondering since all the other ports and vanilla bring the menu up if you press pretty much any key at all.

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Janizdreg said:

I ran into a few issues with PrBoom+ recently, so here's a list:
Thirdly a coop demo we recorded shows a differing kills count at the intermission screen in vanilla and PrBoom+. Here's a comparison pic:

I think that's because Boom made some improvements about kill tracking so that indirect kills get assigned to the player who ultimately caused it. I think Vanilla was unable to assign barrel chain reaction kills, for example.

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Im having some troubles with midis in prboom+/glboom+. I cant change the volume of the music, and its extremely loud in comparison with the game sounds.

In all other ports I`ve tried this isnt a problem at all.

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Janizdreg said:

Firstly, the music won't pause if I pause the game. It certainly should, and it does in other ports and even in vanilla. It can be pretty annoying especially in the case of watching long demos as I wouldn't really want to listen to the music if I pause the game to take a break and do some other stuff on the computer.

mus_pause_opt; // 0 = kill music, 1 = pause, 2 = continue

Ask SDL guys why Mix_PauseMusic() does not work for MIDI music. I can set MIDI volume to zero for midies and mus_pause_opt 1, but you know how Mix_VolumeMusic() works on Vista and above :)

darkreaver said:

Im having some troubles with midis in prboom+/glboom+. I cant change the volume of the music, and its extremely loud in comparison with the game sounds.

Try to use timidity if you have problems with MIDI

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Janizdreg said:
Another problem is that two player vanilla demos recorded from the second player's viewpoint show both players as green instead of green for the first and indigo for the second.

In PrBoom, the devs hacked the player colors, presumably to add coop with more than four players. You'll also note that the three extra colors are different because it's using RGB remapping instead of index remapping.

A question popped into my head. Is it on purpose that while the game is in the title screen you cannot bring up the game menu via any keys apart from ESC? Just wondering since all the other ports and vanilla bring the menu up if you press pretty much any key at all.

Not just the title screen but the whole intro loop. It allows you to mess with the demos during the loop, such as going into cam mode, changing game speed or changing player viewpoint.

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Ok, I think I managed to pinpoint the multiplayer demo player colour problem a bit better. Essentially the problem is that the player from whose perspective the demo was recorded is always displayed as green, regardless of his actual player number/colour. For instance, if I record a multiplayer game where I'm the third/brown player, my marine will be displayed as green in the demo playback. The colours of the other players are still displayed correctly.

I also noticed that in multiplayer matches as well as in multiplayer demo playback the status bar colour behind the Doomguy's face is displayed incorrectly for most players. For the first/green player it works correctly, but for the others it seems bugged, with most of the background being black and the rest being vaguely similar to the colour the player is supposed to be.

Furthermore, in multiplayer games all the players are displayed as green.

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About the win7 music/sound volume thing. Could a variable be put into the cfg to control the -nomusic switch as well?

The thing is, the command line is not good for watching demos at all. I drag the demo and wad(s) over the exe to watch demos. It's just so much faster than trying to make shortcuts to watch each demo. But having -nomusic be command line only means that when I drag over the shortcut with -nomusic in, only the options in the shortcut itself are loaded. The wad and demo I dragged are not.

That means the only way to watch demos right now and actually have sound with the music off is to make a shortcut for every single demo you want to watch. I hope you can see how impractical that is if you pretty much never want music on when you're watching demos, but you do want the sound effects.

Also, what does "mus_extend_volume" in the cfg do?

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  • 2 weeks later...
entryway said:

Mac build requires 10.6[/B]

Reevys said:

Sad face. I'll just have to wait until I get Snow Leopard in a few months time then. :(

PrBoom-Plus- is available on sourceforge.

cpepper said:

This build is compiled and tested on a PPC Mac with OS X 10.4 ("Tiger"). It should run on an Intel Mac, too - but I don't have access to an Intel Mac.

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  • 2 months later...

I have added blend animations (similar to ZdoomGL), so you can try it with the latest

It's at Options \ General (5th page):
Blend Walls Animations Yes
Blend Flats Animations Yes


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entryway said:

I have added blend animations (similar to ZdoomGL), so you can try it with the latest

It's at Options \ General (5th page):
Blend Walls Animations Yes
Blend Flats Animations Yes


Seems to work pretty much the same way it does in ZDoomGL. Neat.

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Got latest version (yesterday) but despite music volume being set to zerowhen the first track of the current map has finished not-playing it repeats from the start - at default volume (should internally treat as OFF to save processor cycles and such, sureley and so this wouldnt happen cos it wouldnt even check).

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I do not understand what you want to say, sorry. Is this a bug report or what? If you meant disabling music when its value is zero, then my answer is: "no, I do not want to do that".

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if i set the music volume to zero then after a few minutes the music starts playing again, and i have to bump it up to the first volume notch then back to zero again to stop it

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cycloid said:

if i set the music volume to zero then after a few minutes the music starts playing again, and i have to bump it up to the first volume notch then back to zero again to stop it

Can't reproduce. Probably some third-party software does that for you.

Do you have the same problem with vanilla prboom? Do you use timidity? Where is your cfg?

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