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PrBoom-Plus, ver.

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entryway said:

check snd_soundfont variable

snd_soundfont "TimGM6mb.sf2"

That appears to be the default variable using a new config file generated by prboom-plus.

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Mike.Reiner said:

snd_soundfont "TimGM6mb.sf2"

That appears to be the default variable using a new config file generated by prboom-plus.

Do you have a soundfont by that name in the appropriate directory?

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I watched some demos, and I pressed a button on the keyboards which reads "pause/B and END" The game speed slowed down. I read in the usage.txt that I could press PAD* to reset the speed to default, but it does not work. Neither do + or -. PgDn doeswork, and fast forwards to the end.

Now I`m stuck watching demos at slow speed, what can I do??

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darkreaver said:

I watched some demos, and I pressed a button on the keyboards which reads "pause/B and END" The game speed slowed down. I read in the usage.txt that I could press PAD* to reset the speed to default, but it does not work. Neither do + or -. PgDn doeswork, and fast forwards to the end.

Now I`m stuck watching demos at slow speed, what can I do??

Options\Setup\Key Bindings


realtic_clock_rate 100 in cfg

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I have added additional two modes of automap things drawing: scaled triangles and icons based mode. Icons are taken from Slade_ME, heh.

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Now, look what happens in SLADE when you set thing_drawtype to 3, and put that as an automap mode. :p

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Gez said:

Now, look what happens in SLADE when you set thing_drawtype to 3, and put that as an automap mode. :p

I planned to try, but it does not look so clear and accurate as default mode.

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note :
- I placed FFMPEG and its files / subdirectories in the prboom folder.
- Pasted the lines from USAGE.TXT into prboom+.cfg (over the x264 lines)
- start it the same way as x264
- it does the 1st pass and stops there, no file created ....

any input ?

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VinceDSS said:

note :
- I placed FFMPEG and its files / subdirectories in the prboom folder.
- Pasted the lines from USAGE.TXT into prboom+.cfg (over the x264 lines)
- start it the same way as x264
- it does the 1st pass and stops there, no file created ....

any input ?

Best place to start with something like that is by checking the command output files:

The console output from the various commands is redirected to file so you can see it for debugging purposes:
If I recall correctly, the example ffmpeg commands were for the current ffmpeg version at the time which required you to use a libx264 presets system that may or may not work anymore. You should check "ffmpeg --help" for your particular version of ffmpeg to see if the commandline makes sense.

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Got something strange going on with the -warp parameter with Ultimate Doom.

Let's say I want to go to E1M3. If I use "-warp 1 3", I get sent to E1M1. if I use "-warp 13", I get sent to E1M9. I'm pretty sure the former is supposed to send me to E1M3, but it isn't. I did the latter just in case I wasn't sure if the prBoom warp format changed for some odd reason, but it's acting weird as well. I'm using GlBoom What is going on?

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No, you need to leave a space between the episode and map digits. This is the way it was in the original game, and it hasn't been changed.

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Grazza said:

No, you need to leave a space between the episode and map digits. This is the way it was in the original game, and it hasn't been changed.

If I do that, but I get sent to E1M1 no matter what. The no space thing was me messing around to see if prBoom changed something for some reason. I'm trying to record a demo, if that helps.

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Okay, what the hell. I just ran used the warp parameter to warp to E1M3, and it worked fine with the record command. Guess it must've been a mistake on my end.

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Thanks for the link Time ! I will check it out.

I have one question about prboom though.
I was looking at converting some coop LMP runs to another player's view with LMPC. But I realized the thing doesnt work in W7 64 bit.

I looked into prboom's usage.txt and couldnt find an option to change the player view.

Maybe, its already there and I am too dumb to figure this out. (it didnt help that google couldnt find a proper command line list either)

If it doesnt exist I suppose it would be a nice addition to prboom ?

Otherwise, what demo conversion tools are people using nowadays ?

One more thing I noticed, when recording a video, both the video encoder and prboom are running only one CPU core. I can make all the cores run manually each time but is there a way to fix that and automatically use all cores ?

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Versions after 1.2 use a 13-byte header:

byte range purpose

0 104-106 version. 104=1.4 beta, 105=1.5 beta, 106=1.6 beta or 1.666
1 0-4 skill level. 0="I'm too young to die", 4="Nightmare!"
2 1-3 episode. In DOOM 2 this is always 1.
3 1-32 mission/map/level. In DOOM 1, it's 1-9. In DOOM 2, it's 1-32.
4 0-2 mode. 0=single or cooperative, 1=deathmatch, 2=altdeath
5 0- respawn. 0=no respawn parameter, (any other value)=respawn.
6 0- fast. 0=no fast parameter, (any other value)=fast.
7 0- nomonsters. 0=monsters exist, (any other value)=nomonsters.
8 0-3 viewpoint. 0=player 1's status bar, ..., 3=player 4.
9 0-1 player 1 is present if this is 1.
10 0x0a 0-1 player 2.
11 0x0b 0-1 player 3.
12 0x0c 0-1 player 4.

So you can change active player with any hex editor: open lmp, goto offset 8, change, save.

VinceDSS said:

One more thing I noticed, when recording a video, both the video encoder and prboom are running only one CPU core. I can make all the cores run manually each time but is there a way to fix that and automatically use all cores ?

"process_affinity_mask 0" in cfg

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"process_affinity_mask 0" in cfg

Generally speaking, is it better to have this on 0 or 1?

Edit: ok, thanks!

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Gez said:

SDL_Mixer explodes when you run in multicore mode (though there are workarounds).

Also sdl_mixer is not default midi player since May, 2011 and you do not need this workaround any more if you do not want to use sdl midi player by some strange reasons

Thus if snd_midiplayer is not SDL (fluidsynth, opl2 or portmidi), then it should be safe to use 'process_priority 0' and it will increase FPS a little

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thanks for the hex info as well as the affinity tweak, that works great.

Just one thing, the palette changes (such as damage, item pick up and powerups) don't seem to always work as intended when recorded into a video.

I have one clear example, e4 nightmare compet-n coop, I pickup the invisibility in the secret, the screen retains the pick up color until about 4 mins into that game. And while the palette is stuck my screen doesnt get red when hurt.

I thought that looked odd. here is the video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHVimgri2tQ

It doesnt seem to affect all the demos, but I will check all the ones I did and look for such issues. Some friends mentionned some of my vids dont always display the red / hurt when it should. Which is annoying.

And before you ask, no, I never touched any of the palette settings... they are all on 1.

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This one looks solarized because the palette is stuck on item pick up ... that's why I posted it there. It only goes away after like 4 mins.

It happens with solo demos as well. Now I realize most of the recordings I made have such issues... check some out. I wonder if its because I used prboom instead of glboom.

I toyed with wide screen before but found the long videos take an awful lot of space and need a lot of time to upload. I may go widescreen for short movies and 4:3 for very long demos.

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VinceDSS said:

This one looks solarized because the palette is stuck on item pick up ...

Heh, ok. Will try to reproduce tomorrow. Post your cfg, probably it will help.

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