MACVILWHORE Posted October 7, 2001 Check CNN, RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!!! [edit: I'm making this the official World vs. Taliban thread for comments on the newly launched campaign against the Taliban and anything else it might bring about, which means other threads on this topic will be locked. Please keep it civilized. Thanks - Lüt] 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenoman Posted October 7, 2001 And now, we strike back. Never awaken a sleeping bear. 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted October 7, 2001 Of course, this has blown out of context. Its not WW III. This is between America and Afganisthaigks or however the fuck you spell it. In fact we wont be attacking the afjgaksl's or whatever, but agaist the Taliban or however the fuck you spell that to. 0 Share this post Link to post
MACVILWHORE Posted October 7, 2001 D00d I know that, were fighting against terrorism, Osama bin bastard fucker, and the Talib33aan, and BTW its Afgani's if that's what your talking about. Or am I wrong? 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted October 7, 2001 We have no problem with the Afghan citizenry, our enemy is the Taliban. It's time to rain down food and supplies to the Afghans and explosives and napalm down on the Taliban. Destroy their camps, destroy their supplies, destroy their army and do our best to make sure no innocent people (Afghans) suffer. The Taliban is making the Afghans suffer. Fuck, the Taliban wants to outright execute every other type of Muslim that's around as well! There are a lot of flavors of Muslim, just like Christianity has Baptists and Lutherans an shit. The Taliban has twisted and turned one of those flavors sour, and I guess its time to pour it down the sink. Again, this cannot be World War III because it is not against a country but an organization... the Taliban, the Al Qa'eda, and any son of a bitch stupid enough to side with them. 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenoman Posted October 7, 2001 Hey, now the Afghans threaten Uzbecistan (I don't know how you spell that) with 10.000 soldiers to enter Uzbecistan if they will stand on the side of the U.S. Now it's all beginning. 0 Share this post Link to post
MACVILWHORE Posted October 7, 2001 One thing though, I bet after all this is done we just might have that world peace we've been hopen for. Considering basically the whole world is involved working towards a common goal. I hope that happens. I hope Allah sends all the fucking Taliban AND AL Queerda to hell. 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenoman Posted October 7, 2001 The muslims call this a holy war but they don't know the meaning of the word "Jihad". "The real holy war is to fight your own spiritual battle." 0 Share this post Link to post
Astewart41 Posted October 7, 2001 Yeah, I saw this too. It's not World War III, though, because for one, it's only one side attacking, two, only 3 countries are directly involved (USA, Great Britain, and of course, Afghanistan). And to clarify one fact, AFGHANISTAN CAN NOT NUKE US! Afghanistan does NOT even have ICBM's! ....I hope I was just imagining things when I heard George W. Bush mention Slobodan Milosevich. 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenoman Posted October 7, 2001 ....I hope I was just imagining things when I heard George W. Bush mention Slobodan Milosevich. When did Bush mention that asshole? (I haven't watch CNN for about 20 minutes or so) 0 Share this post Link to post
Astewart41 Posted October 7, 2001 He mentioned something about Slobodan Milosevich and Underground Bunkers. *shrugs*' I hate that asshole too. Thank God he doesn't have any more power. In addition, Osama Bin Laden appeared on TV on many Arab Nations across the Middle East on a pre-recorded session earlier today. More can be found http://www.cnn.comHere. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted October 7, 2001 In case you didn't know, Slobodan Milosevic was arrested a few months ago and is now to appear before the war crimes tribunal in The Hague, the Netherlands. He's going to get food, shelter and cable tv for the rest of his life. Somehow I get the feeling our good friend Osama Bin Muhammad Bin Laden won't be so lucky. 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenoman Posted October 7, 2001 Somehow I get the feeling our good friend Osama Bin Muhammad Bin Laden won't be so lucky. He will die, sooner or later. 0 Share this post Link to post
999cop Posted October 7, 2001 Check CNN, RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!!! I also saw that on AOL too 0 Share this post Link to post
DoOmEr4LiFe Posted October 7, 2001 We attacked Taliban bases, camps and facilities 'cuz they were too busy dinking around waitng for an excuse not to turn over Bin Laden...and now Osama is calling this a Jihad or Holy War, how the fuck can he say that? who the hell does he think he is stating that it is United States of America versus The Islamic faith. IT IS NOT YOU FUCKER!...most of the Muslims hate him too. Everybody hates him, except the Taliban and Islamic extremists...I don't know what's going to happen first he dies or realizes he doesn't stand a chance in HELL against the great countries of the U.S.A., Great Britain, Germany, Russia, France, Japan and many others... 0 Share this post Link to post
MACVILWHORE Posted October 7, 2001 AND DON'T FORGET CANADA AND OUR SIX BOATS (j/k) 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted October 7, 2001 I don't know what's going to happen first he dies or realizes he doesn't stand a chance in HELL against the great countries of the U.S.A., Great Britain, Germany, Russia, France, Japan and many others... The problem is, he does. The whole attack on Afghanistan will lead to nothing -- sure, they might overthrow the Taleban regime, make Afghanistan a democracy and whatever; but they won't get Bin Laden. You can't just drop missiles and hope one of them will kill him. He might escape to another country. It is wrong to think that everyone in the world hates him. The world is big, and there're plenty of Islamic extremists in it. Officially all Middle East countries hate him, of course; but the governments can't control all the people in their countries. Many people think of him as their savior or whatnot. Plus, he's a millionaire. Hereby I solemnly declare that the whole war on Afghanistan thingie is a huge excercise in futility, the only reason for it being Bush's desire to get the second term. It won't stop terrorism. It's stupid to think it will. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest ZZ_TOPPER_X Posted October 7, 2001 How do you spell 'Canada?' Simple: "C, eh? N, eh? D, eh?" ..ummm... get it? 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted October 7, 2001 He will die, sooner or later. Like the rest of us. Well, except me, since I drank that mystery potion in the Seventies that renders me invincible until the end of time (or 30,000 miles, whichever comes first). This isn't about Osama Bin Laden. Saying these bombings are ineffective because they won't kill Bin Laden doesn't make sense. The US Government doesn't see this as an assassination attempt against anyone: it's a general campaign against all terrorism, specifically the kind of Islamic Fundamentalist terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda. The more I here and see of Bin Laden, the less I believe the image of the Evil Mastermind. Yes, he is the leader of one of the most dangerous terrorist organisations of the moment, he is responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people, and he should be either brought before an independent judge or, most likely, killed. But getting rid of Osama Bin Laden isn't a solution at all. By now, these organisations have splintered into small, fairly independent groups of people all over the world (like the kamikaze pilots who carried out the attacks on September 11th) and do not have to rely on the support of beardy Saudi billionaires. Like Donald Rumsfeld said today on CNN, this will mostly be an invisible war. It won't be just fought over Kabul or in cold, barren mountain regions. It will be fought with the aid of financial institutions, government treaties and world-wide intelligence operations. With the rise of the computer age, people claimed the Third World War would be a war of information, not one of destruction and death. I would have to agree. 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenoman Posted October 7, 2001 Now they've moved the vice president to a safe location. 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted October 7, 2001 Now they've moved the vice president to a safe location. Cheney (or whatever)? He probably had a heart attack already. I told everyone it was a mistake to elect Bush. I mean, look at all the shit thats happened already! I am NOT saying that Gore would be better, cause he would probably have bailed at the gas prices thingy but hey, Bush has done some STUPID having those 2 daughters and *chokes* even daring to have sex with his urgly (yes URGLY!) wife. 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted October 7, 2001 They're not his daughters. I said Bush. At the begining of the statement I was talking about Cheney. Then I jumped to talking about Bush. 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis` Posted October 7, 2001 Why are you attacking Bush? Let's put YOU in his spot and see how much better you handle this situation. You can't just go and say "Ok. Drop a bomb here and here and we can all go out to lunch." It doesn't work that way. AFAICS, Bush is alot more intelligent than most of you liberal fanatics think he is. And the difference between him and Clinton's group (Gore) is that Bush shows force. Clinton or Gore would've sat down and had dinner with him to discuss it. 0 Share this post Link to post
Gokuma Posted October 8, 2001 Despite how Bush screws everything else up, I think he's actually handling this well, barring the quality of his speeches. He wants Usama's and his terrorists' asses and he's not taking any of the Taliban's bullshit. I just hope he doesn't use this as an excuse to be even more of a corporate cock puppet in the long run, if that's possible. 0 Share this post Link to post
Hellbent Posted October 8, 2001 One thing we do know for sure is that we don't know how to spell Afghastahkatikan or Buzkititikahn or Pastikahkan or whoever it is that we are now bombing and using for our military tactics. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted October 8, 2001 If Bush had not been elected (and he wasn't anyways), we might not be in this position. The terrorists were probabaly more inclined to attack now the Bush had been elected. Think about it. His father was in charge of attacking Iraq in the Persian Gulf War. In Islamic society, heredity is very important (and I guess in American society it is too). They thought that disgracing Bush, Jr. would also disgrace Bush Sr. And Bin Laden is funded by Iraq, so... 0 Share this post Link to post
ShadyXMR Posted October 8, 2001 Uzbekistan :) The Canadians have been our true friends throughout all of this, especially when all air traffic had to be stopped, stranding many Americans in Canada. They were hospitable to us, which is a very generous thing to do. I don't think we will actually physically capture Osama like we did with Milosovic. So hopefully he won't get to room with him. Since they keep playing clips of him target shooting in the desert, why doesn't he load up a few clips and fight with his fellow terrorists? My guess is he'll hopefully get killed. He might escape to another country. That's why this is a war on terrorism, not Afghanistan. Terrorism is not localized to a single country or single individual for that matter. How else would you deal with these evil fanaticists? The only language they understand is force. You cannot negotiate with these people. I'm so sick of hearing "Let's educate them so they don't hate us". It is way past the point of educating the people carrying out these strikes (the adults). It won't stop terrorism. It's stupid to think it will. And how would you annihilate terrorism? Saying these bombings are ineffective because they won't kill Bin Laden doesn't make sense. The US Government doesn't see this as an assassination attempt against anyone: it's a general campaign against all terrorism Yes. specifically the kind of Islamic Fundamentalist terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda. Correction: they aren't Islamic. If they were they wouldn't be doing this. I told everyone it was a mistake to elect Bush. I mean, look at all the shit thats happened already! I am NOT saying that Gore would be better, cause he would probably have bailed at the gas prices thingy but hey, Bush has done some STUPID having those 2 daughters and *chokes* even daring to have sex with his urgly (yes URGLY!) wife. Hey IGNORAMUS, try attacking his policies rather than him personally. It'll make you look a lot more intelligent dipdunk. And the difference between him and Clinton's group (Gore) is that Bush shows force. Clinton or Gore would've sat down and had dinner with him to discuss it. Yes, most likely. They might have granted them trading concessions. I honestly have some friends that believe had Gore won the election and this had happened there would've been a military overthrow of the government for lack of action (since they voted exclusively nonDemokrap). Then they think we'd have a military dictatorship... eww, anytime I see the word 'dictatorship' I cringe. If Bush had not been elected (and he wasn't anyways), we might not be in this position. The terrorists were probabaly more inclined to attack now the Bush had been elected. Think about it. His father was in charge of attacking Iraq in the Persian Gulf War. In Islamic society, heredity is very important (and I guess in American society it is too). They thought that disgracing Bush, Jr. would also disgrace Bush Sr. And Bin Laden is funded by Iraq, so... Sir, simply because you don't like adhering to the U.S. Constitution and won't bother to get it amended doesn't warrant you to take out your idiocy out on me. I could go into an entire essay about how the Electoral College PROMOTES democracy more than mob popular rule but let's not go there. If you persist with your ignorant views I might as well have to. Oh yeah, but if Gore was in there we'd probably be peaceful since he's a good ol' liberal activist that probably would have invited all of Afghanistan's population to the U.S. and all would be well. Yes, that's EXACTLY the solution. Oh geez, forgive Bush SR for not appeasing to Saddam (to appease is to give in to demands like Europe did to Hitler in case you don't know) as he overran an inferior nation. Yes, it's all Bush's fault for upholding democracy and freedom in that region and protecting American interests (would you like to be paying any more for oil than you already are?). barring the quality of his speeches Judge a man based on what he does, not what he says. He may not be able to do the fancy bullshit talk that Clinton used to talk to the nation, but HE GETS TO THE POINT. Sorry if like to be lied to 99% of the speech and be told the straight shit 1% of the time. My political persuasion? Not completely Republican, not completely Libertarian, but definitely anti-Demokrap/liberal. 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenoman Posted October 8, 2001 I just watch the news, 20 dead so far. That number won't last for long though. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted October 8, 2001 Sir, simply because you don't like adhering to the U.S. Constitution and won't bother to get it amended doesn't warrant you to take out your idiocy out on me. I could go into an entire essay about how the Electoral College PROMOTES democracy more than mob popular rule but let's not go there. If you persist with your ignorant views I might as well have to. Hmmm...and why is popular mob rule NOT democracy? A democracy is a government that the people want, not what the polititions want. If it were a true democracy, everything would be done as ONE PERSON, ONE VOTE. Then it would be truly the people's choice. And if you believe that we need guidance from polititians like we were sheep, then you must realize that that is but propaganda to get us to adhere to the system. But, true it is at least better than facism, or whatever the Taliban has set up. 0 Share this post Link to post
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