fodders Posted October 9, 2001 For nearly 4 weeks now, we have had to listen to one Muslim cleric after another, paraded on tv saying "bin Laden wasn't Muslim because Islam is peace, no true Muslim would resort to violence" etc etc, insert any platitude here 'Lo and behold, Muslims rioting in streets in Pakistan, Gaza, Indionesia etc, stoning police, setting fire to banks, police stations even UNHCR and UNICEF buildings, places dedicated to helping refugees and children for God's sake! So, my qustion is, "where's this peace that is supposed to be Islamic, was it all just bullshit being spouted by the Clerics for the last 4 weeks?" 0 Share this post Link to post
Phoenix Posted October 9, 2001 For nearly 4 weeks now, we have had to listen to one Muslim cleric after another, paraded on tv saying "bin Laden wasn't Muslim because Islam is peace, no true Muslim would resort to violence" etc etc, insert any platitude here 'Lo and behold, Muslims rioting in streets in Pakistan, Gaza, Indionesia etc, stoning police, setting fire to banks, police stations even UNHCR and UNICEF buildings, places dedicated to helping refugees and children for God's sake! So, my qustion is, "where's this peace that is supposed to be Islamic, was it all just bullshit being spouted by the Clerics for the last 4 weeks?" Of course it is bullshit. The Koran is as peaceful in the hand of mad men then my Bible. If you don’t believe me read it. One quick sample Chapter: 17 paragraph 16": “And when We wish to destroy a town, We send Our commandment to the people of it who lead easy lives, but they transgress therein; thus the word proves true against it, so We destroy it with utter destruction.” This is what Laden somewhat quoted in his fucking video. The only reason Muslims are peaceful in certain countries is because they are in the minority and have no choice. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted October 9, 2001 For nearly 4 weeks now, we have had to listen to one Muslim cleric after another, paraded on tv saying "bin Laden wasn't Muslim because Islam is peace, no true Muslim would resort to violence" etc etc, insert any platitude here 'Lo and behold, Muslims rioting in streets in Pakistan, Gaza, Indionesia etc, stoning police, setting fire to banks, police stations even UNHCR and UNICEF buildings, places dedicated to helping refugees and children for God's sake! So, my qustion is, "where's this peace that is supposed to be Islamic, was it all just bullshit being spouted by the Clerics for the last 4 weeks?" But consider this: no true Christian would promote violence (theoreticaly), but there were the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the Holocaust, and many other instances that I could name where Christians ruthlessly killed innocent civilians for no other reason than 'It was Gods will'. 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted October 9, 2001 But consider this: no true Christian would promote violence (theoreticaly), but there were the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the Holocaust, and many other instances that I could name where Christians ruthlessly killed innocent civilians for no other reason than 'It was Gods will'. Yeh, but my point isn't what has been done in the past, I am thinking about the here and now. It's my suspicion that this will, indeed, turn into an Islam v Christianity world battle. This is how a lot of Muslims are begining to call it and when Pakistan falls into the hands of the Taleban, who will then have control of Nuclear weaps, look out world. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted October 9, 2001 Remember Bin Laden saying that it was God's will that he obtains chemical and nuclear weapons? I mean, fuck. I love Jesus an' all... but if the guy just told me one day that I needed to procure a super deadly weapon to get a good seat in heaven I'd tell him to go fuck himself. That shit just ain't right, time to get a new diety. 0 Share this post Link to post
Phoenix Posted October 9, 2001 It's my suspicion that this will, indeed, turn into an Islam v Christianity world battle. You worry about what I think the wrong thing. Firstly, it's not Christians versus Muslims. Its Jewish against Muslims. Laden wants Israel to disappear. Since the UK and US supports Israel the US and UK has to disappear first and then he hopes he can eliminate Israel. As I said read the Koran, and look for a good English translation. Most Muslims consider Christians as their Brothers. We may be viewed as "misguided" but Christians as a hole are not considered the deadly enemy. Israel however is. And that is written in Chapter 17 of the Koran. 0 Share this post Link to post
Submerge Posted October 9, 2001 I know this is only partially related, but I sure as HELL hope that nobody dares to dress up as terrorists for halloween, you know? that could get them SHOT! But if any kids dressed up as Hezbollah or some other shithead terrorist group comes by the backyard I'll be in, I'm gonna mug 'em, take their candy, lock them in a shed and call the cops on them at the end of the evening. For anyone online reading this: Don't dress up as a terrorist for Halloween. You'll never know exactly WHICH backyard I'll be in. 0 Share this post Link to post
Submerge Posted October 9, 2001 He will die, sooner or later. I don't know..... Total bastards have a tendency to be long-lived. Tike Fidel Castro for instance. 0 Share this post Link to post
Submerge Posted October 9, 2001 Why are you attacking Bush? Let's put YOU in his spot and see how much better you handle this situation. You can't just go and say "Ok. Drop a bomb here and here and we can all go out to lunch." It doesn't work that way. AFAICS, Bush is alot more intelligent than most of you liberal fanatics think he is. And the difference between him and Clinton's group (Gore) is that Bush shows force. Clinton or Gore would've sat down and had dinner with him to discuss it. I think that's the first intelligent thing you've ever said, Ralphis. I totally agree with you as well, also a first. ROWR! 0 Share this post Link to post
Submerge Posted October 9, 2001 Today we can't bring peace with conversations and big meetings because it does no good to us. So we'll have to fight for it, we bring down the terrorists that wants trouble and wants to start wars. If bin Laden's responsible for all of this, he'll surely pay for what he has commited. His organizations will fall as he fall, and then we'll take the next step in the struggle. I agree. The solution to this will not be easy, and perhaps it will never be found. Killing Bin Laden is a problem, because the Islam extremists will see him as a martyr for their cause and try harder to make our lives shit. If he gets away, he will be seen as a hero, and the terrorists will AGAIN try harder to bring us down. And if we catch him, we will surely punish him with death. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted October 9, 2001 It's my suspicion that this will, indeed, turn into an Islam v Christianity world battle. You worry about what I think the wrong thing. Firstly, it's not Christians versus Muslims. It's Jewish versus Muslims.If I remember correctly the Bible foretold something like this happening and predicted the outcome. I don't know what it was, but I guess we'll see if it's true or not. 0 Share this post Link to post
MACVILWHORE Posted October 9, 2001 /me reads This isn't word for word, but basically the final outcome of this WILL be total world peace, it will be a grueling battle, but there'll finally be peace. /me closes bible 0 Share this post Link to post
Phoenix Posted October 10, 2001 It's my suspicion that this will, indeed, turn into an Islam v Christianity world battle. You worry about what I think the wrong thing. Firstly, it's not Christians versus Muslims. It's Jewish versus Muslims.If I remember correctly the Bible foretold something like this happening and predicted the outcome. I don't know what it was, but I guess we'll see if it's true or not. Could you be less specific? LOL. No I do not think this is the End of the World. It’s just one more mad man abusing religion. No matter if you are Christian, Jewish or Muslim. The "Good Book" says for each, that God will end the world himself, when he things it's time. Since the three religion are somewhat related yet bitterly fought about, over milleniums, to foretell wars between them is like me telling everyone my stunning prediction that the Sun will raise tomorrow in of all places, Boston, at dawn. 0 Share this post Link to post
ShadyXMR Posted October 10, 2001 But consider this: no true Christian would promote violence (theoreticaly), but there were the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the Holocaust, and many other instances that I could name where Christians ruthlessly killed innocent civilians for no other reason than 'It was Gods will'. Took the words right out of my mouth. But if any kids dressed up as Hezbollah or some other shithead terrorist group comes by the backyard I'll be in, I'm gonna mug 'em, take their candy, lock them in a shed and call the cops on them at the end of the evening. LMAO! Muy comico. I was actually thinking of dressing up as Osama and walk around with my finger up a stuffed goat's ass. Eh, wonder what Nostradamus (sp?) said about all of this. 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenoman Posted October 10, 2001 Eh, wonder what Nostradamus (sp?) said about all of this. -----"The man who saw tomorrow"----- (name of film) I've got an old videotape with a film about Nostradamus, from 1974 (FilmNet). The third anti-christ would begin a third worldwar in 1999 (you can't be perfect?) and the western side of the world would lose it's mighty power. The war will last for 27 years. It would be a powerful leader from an arabland. Now read this: The leader would destroy the western side with nuclear weapons, if you don't believe me, go and get the film. That could be diificult, but I think it's kinda important to know, don't you think? The western side gives great resistence but the eastern side hade more supplies to launch so they'll probably know. If this is true, then it's horrible. I mean, Nostradamus was actually right about the terrorist attack against the WTC, it's all found in his scripts. 0 Share this post Link to post
Captain Red Posted October 10, 2001 ...and they still think of themselves as martyrs... Heh, that reminds me, my brother was in class discussing the attack on the terrosts, the teacher said "Bin Laden Aspires to ba a martyr..." some fool stood up and said "HE WONT BE MUCH OF A MARTYR IF HE'S DEAD!!" ROTFLMFHO! 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted October 10, 2001 But consider this: no true Christian would promote violence (theoreticaly), but there were the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the Holocaust, and many other instances that I could name where Christians ruthlessly killed innocent civilians for no other reason than 'It was Gods will'.Took the words right out of my mouth.If you read the Bible, there are quite a few times where God or an angel of his takes lives. There's a difference between "Thou shalt not murder" vs "Thou shalt not kill", which is what that one commandment often gets mistranslated as.I mean, Nostradamus was actually right about the terrorist attack against the WTC, it's all found in his scripts.You can't be referring to that thing about two brothers coming apart?? That's so silly; not that I have looked in-depth into his stuff, but I haven't seen a single thing said by him that couldn't be twisted around to fit just about anything. 0 Share this post Link to post
Submerge Posted October 10, 2001 Eh, wonder what Nostradamus (sp?) said about all of this. I believe that it mentioned 'tall hollow caves by a garden' 0 Share this post Link to post
Searcher Posted October 10, 2001 Many of the things that Nostradamus is given credit for were actually penned long after his death. Unfortunetly many of the media, do not check the sources and continue this myth. Try to check info for yourself if shown to be from the old master Nostradamus. He was actually a brilliant mind at a time when the world was very dark. 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenoman Posted October 10, 2001 not that I have looked in-depth into his stuff Then do it. Here's one mistake though, made by him. He wrote that the third world war would begin in the end of year 1999. That did not happend, ok. We think the third AC would come from the Mid-East, East Asia or Korea. That's just speculations, but I think he will appear from the Mid-East. One more thing, can you guys mention another man that was as brilliant as Michel de Nostredame in his time? I'm thinking, no. 0 Share this post Link to post
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