Crendowing Posted October 7, 2001 Whoopie fucking do for me. I just reserved andpaid for my copy of GBA DOOM today. 50 BUCKS?????? I THOUGHT IT WAS ONLY GONNA BE 40!!!!!! Guess the tax was more than I thought. Anyway, I can't wait 'till the 25th; I was lucky enough to be the first person in the store (GameStop) to get it reserved. Then again, I don't think many people play it that much anymore. Still, w000000000000t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0 Share this post Link to post
doomsick Posted October 8, 2001 you got to reserve it gamestop? i was just in there the other day and they still couldn't do it...i'll have to return i guess. 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted October 8, 2001 I sure did. My friend reserved it before me at another GameStop closer to where he lives. I'm in San Antonio, TX; I think it might have to do with a combination of region, store location, and communication. Still, I suggest you all reserve it as soon as you can! Oh, BTW, I also got this "starter kit" for my GBA today as well. It came with 3 things: a magnifyer light, car adapter, and fully GBA compatible link cable. The best part, it only cost 15 bucks total! It's not an official kit (Mad Catz, to be exact), but it's adequate for now. What I'm upset about now is the fact that Doom GBA won't support single pak multiplayer. Oh well, I only know one other person that's gonna get it, the aformentioned friend above. I long for Oct. 25th! 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted October 8, 2001 Believe's worth more than the 100 bucks! You're getting a bargain for it! I'm lucky I only paid $75.77 (American), thanks to GameStop's in-store credit system. 0 Share this post Link to post
doomsick Posted October 9, 2001 don't be too down on mad catz!!! i've had real good luck with after market accessories!!! you might be right about hte regional idea, i'm up in northwest michigan...however, i'm happy to say i'll be getting a good price on my GBA due to a certain someone's employee discount... 0 Share this post Link to post
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