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If this is true... then the impact of whiny little bitches around school will be way bigger then the impact the twin towers have made.

I'm happy I won't be seing her no more... on the other I'm gonna be sick to see those people cry for her.

This just has to be bullshit... grade A class bullshit. I mean mtv.com would surely have something about their queen's death.

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I don't know...it is from the L.A. Times, which is a national newspaper. Of course its from L.A., and I trust nothing from there.

If it is true, I am glad on one hand because without their influance, maybe music will change for the better. On the other hand, I hate to see people die...

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Question: Who in the Blue Hell goes looking for this kind of stuff on a regular basis?

BTW, if Reznor died....I just might be a little sad, but he's really sucked after Broken.

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yeah at this point I'm almost sure it's fake... just played around with the url that's the url that works...
yet www.latimes.com/b_spears.htm, which should be the actual url doesn't.

Of course I might be wrong, let's hope so.

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i don't think it's real, there was a very similiar hoax earlier this year involving these two morons...

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Even though that link doesn't work, it looks to be a redirect to somebody's home/work server, since the actual LA Times articles never have IP addresses in their addresses.

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Not only that's a prank, but it was written on that page (at the very bottom)

lol, and the first thing I did after reading the headline is scroll down to the bottom and check for any clues that might help unvail that this is infact a prank. Must have simply missed it, oh well. heh.

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hmm, i can't even copy the URL without breaking it. Bleh.

There you go.

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hmmm... does anyone remember a few months ago a radio deejay being sued for saying this same hoax on the air? of course with cnn reporting it, maybe it's true this time. maybe that deejay was psychic or something.

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