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The Best Overall


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What's the best (or worst) WAD you've played for Ultimate Doom that was:

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E1: a really good one was 2001 A Doom Odyssey. In my opinion it had good ammo balance and I love blasting those weak E1 enemies.

E3/4: Hell Revealed II. It wasn't so much as that it was poorly made or that the detailed sucked (it didn't; they were great levels and the detail was fine) but there were levels in which there would be pens of 50 Barons of Hell and another pen with 25 Cyberdemons, etc. That just didn't appeal to me for some reason :)

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there is a wad called e1contest where designers submitted maps which were made in the style of doom episode 1, and these levels were made into a multi level wad(e1m1-e1m9 and e2m1-e2m6 or something) One of the levels in the set had a bug where you couldn't get the rocket launcher and that made it nearly impossible to complete the level.

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