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Lost Soul model


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Very impressive.

So you use paper mache? I thought it was clay at first.

Hmmm, the grey turned out great, it would suit the Doom3 style monsters nicely.

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I'm still not entirely sold on Doom 3's art direction. I prefer the old monster designs to the new. That being said, I have considered making one of the new half-cyber "pinky" demons several times.

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wow, I've never seen anything that looked quite like that before, its definetly original. Dont worry yourself about the symmetry of the skull after all, a flying demonic head thats on fire is bound to have some imperfections :P

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I'm also considering making the New Pinky. but I'm a little intimidated by the legs. them being soo detailed and symetrical.

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While I appreciate the comments about the unimportance of symmentry in regards to flaming skulls, it is important to me.

I would agree that the cybernetic legs of the Doom 3 Demon are somewhat intimidating, but if you break the mechanical structures down in your mind into the smaller components, it doesn't seem so bad, time-consuming to be sure, but not too bad. How about this, Shapeless: I propose to you a little personal contest between the two of us. We'll both sculpt/model a Doom 3 Demon and let the board members decide who did the better job? How about it?

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  • 3 weeks later...

your on!, but I would need some reference pics that are better then crappy screenshots. if someone can supply me with some good refence I will go gor you challenge :D

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All I've got is screenshots too, but I've got them from several angles, so it should be sufficient. I do have a side-view, three-stage image of the creature running/leaping with some of the polygon skeletal structure showing though - that one might be helpful from an anatomical standpoint, if you want that one (or any of the others), let me know and I'll send it/them to you. I got all of mine from a Google search.

How much time do you think you would need to make yours? Barring any unforseen difficulties or fits of laziness, I should be able to make mine in 1-2 days (The Fiend, Gerogero, and the Tsumuri each took a single day to make). I figure I can make the fleshy front half one day, and the mechanical back half the next. I guess I'll start on mine tonight or tomorrow . . .

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Wow, that long, huh? Well, I guess my Pinky Demon will have to hump a tree for a month while it waits for you to deliver its mate. :)

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The dimensions for mine are on its webpage. I usually don't bother with doing anything to a particular scale, I worry more about proportions than the final size of the figure.

Are you talking 9.6" in height, or length?

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in hieght. though it won't be upright with it's arms streched out. also why don't you snap some pics of it in some editor were you can view the model with just the normal maps on, no texture. that wouls make it easier to see the form :)

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I don't even have Doom 3 (my computer isn't powerful enough to run it, and I don't have an Xbox), so there's no way I could have done any capturing.

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