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the joy of LINUX


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well a friend of mine had their computer go out. Here is a strange error a WIN modem that did not work in windows, i am useing that modem now, with no troubles. As far as i know their version is the same and i tried every PCI slot too! I also found some bad registry bugs that i could not fix so i purged windows. Well this has to be the fourth time for windows to die for them, i am roughter on it and have only restarted twice. So i am installing good old LINUX, They will need to learn the basics but after that they should be fine. Also i have had no problems in LINUX for over a year. besides i have told them LINUX can be just as easy, it is just different than windows

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Lament, did you all of the sudden become überretarded or something?

Hmm, I thought I became überretarded a long time ago...

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[ Its fun to put Hershey's syrup on your cock and hang out around playgrounds. ]

That's the joy of Linux.

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No the joy of Linux isn't pedophelia its being overly sated with a free, slow and three-month-behind-every-other-os-in-the-fucking-world versus using something from a company that succeeded in the business world.

That little penguin would go good with some barbecue sauce.

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Its fun to put Hershey's syrup on your cock and hang out around playgrounds.

I'm sorry, but around here, we like our chocolate without nuts.

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Incest with whom?

Well, preferably a relative of the opposite sex... of course, if you don't mind, it could be a relative of the same sex, too...

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Whomever willing! Or unwilling, fuck it! =)

Jesus, it's 2:12 AM! I still gotta jerk off and get to sleep, shit, I have work tomorrow!

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I dont see why many of you hate LINUX, I have never said it was the best out there either. I use both LINUX and windows98, I find LINUX funner to play with and more room for options and less crashes. however most every thing is windows, something that is changeing in todays world. There is only one OS that i truly dislike and that is the MAC OS, I know it was the first GUI interface but i hate it. I cant do as much as I want in it and there is even less copatibility with programs than windows

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I don't hate "linux". I hate certain distributions of "linux".

I like using "linux". There's a place for "linux" in any home network. However, I can't see "linux" seriously replacing windows in any desktop environment.

What I really hate is people who promote "linux" and bash windows simply because they feel their dick is bigger by doing so.

There's a certain segment of the population here who seem to like to do that, claiming either windows is totally unstable, resource hogging, or microsoft is evil, etc., and I don't see that as being true. Certainly, the equivalent of all 3 of those exist in the "linux" world, and I would suggest that this certain segment of our population do a bit of self-examining ... let who has not sinned cast the first stone.

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i never really bashed windows, infact i use it alot. windows is good for games and other apps. however like u said there are parts i hate about it. currently i am about equal between windows and linux. windows is alot easier to use, but linux has many of the same things just slightly different so i am learning fast

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