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A few specific names.


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Recently, you have been throwing around a few specific names of online members who have been most likely been banned. What did they do? Am I better off not knowing? I'm referring to:

Super-Joe/Shotgun Bill
etc. etc.

Go ahead and send it to Post Hell if you want. I'm just asking.

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Pizzaboi: He was being a total jackass and has been annoying most of us.

Fuckmordeth: Apparantly he flooded the old forums with the same topic that have been highly flaming towards Mordeth. Still no sign of who was actually Fuckmordeth.

Shotgun Bill/Super-Joe: For being a total Jackass, and he apparantly made lame series of Urban Legends by saying that one of them is 100% true and another one 200% true. It really bugged some people who frequently went to the Fanfiction forum.

Also I know of some others:

Cacodorkman: Cacodorkman did the crime of flooding one thread full of quote code with nothing quoted. Because of that, our Browsers eithered stop responding or crashed upon going to that topic that Cacodorkman filled with Quotes (And I do mean a lot of quotes!)

King REoL: God he was the worst! He was the one who posted plenty of rotten.com dead bodies. This lead to the permanent deactivation of the Image and SWF flags.

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You forgot Chourico (I forgot how you spell it):He claimed he owned DW and he constantly flamed Ling.

Me:I was brought back, I was caught up in a IP ban mix up.

Archvile46:Did some stuff (unknown to most) that got him username banned.

And a bunch of newbies that asked for warez like that one guy I_NEED_DOOMII or whatever. He was the worst.

Executor666 (not banned but lost his postcount):Posted a goatse link

Disorder (not banned lost his postcount):Posted a porn link

Thats it I think...

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Pardon me for asking this, but WTF is a goatse link?

I aint posting one, and trust me you dont wanna know.

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Heh, surprisingly not bestiality, but if you really want to check it out because you're some kind of freak, IM me or something and I'll give you the link.

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Heh, surprisingly not bestiality, but if you really want to check it out because you're some kind of freak, IM me or something and I'll give you the link.

Archvile has it on his favorites list :P

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This guy was a total jackass

DOOMedSean:A newbie in a DOOM GBA post, making a bunch of rude comments to everyone espessially SlapNutz.

SlapNutz..whatever happened to him?

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Heh, surprisingly not bestiality, but if you really want to check it out because you're some kind of freak, IM me or something and I'll give you the link.

Archvile has it on his favorites list :P

Hah! No.

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We forgot Dashiva! He kept ressurecting old threads and stuff.

Dashiva was trying to be banned.

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We forgot Dashiva! He kept ressurecting old threads and stuff.

Dashiva was trying to be banned.

I know. Hmm...who else was banned? I know of TONS of newbies that asked for warez but damn...I cant remeber...

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Recently, you have been throwing around a few specific names

Who has been?

Executor666 (not banned but lost his postcount): Posted a goatse link

Executor666 is most likely banned.

Pardon me for asking this, but WTF is a goatse link?

They mean a goatse.cx link. It's a fake redirect to goatse.cx disguised as any other type of link, like to a file or website or news story or something. It's just a picture, but you're best off not going there. I don't see what the big deal is, but I have a fairly high tolerance to "disgusting" images, so be warned.

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pizzaboi was chewy who was just trying to have some fun and fool around here :)

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Super-Joe/Shotgun Bill

Well Shotgun Bill behaved like a total retard, and later fucked bigbadgangsta over (used his IP or something, and posted stuff like "Fuck ling! Fuck arioch! Fuck you all!" under it; bigbadgangsta's IP got banned. Latter BBG was unbanned, and Shotgun Bill banned instead. So Shotgun Bill went to his library, and continued posting from there under nick Super Joe. AFAIK he got banned from there, too (or did he just lose interest?)

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I've should've registered myself here in 2000, because I missed the "FuckMordeth" episode. This guy actually created a postcount with that name? Is the old Widowmaker banned? He tought he was better than God and all. :P

One more question: What ever happend to SoKath???? :(

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One more question: What ever happend to SoKath???? :(

I miss that silly little bitch.

His disappearance probably has something to do with deadnail.

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His disappearance probably has something to do with deadnail.

After that damn long flamewar they had?

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Comming soon!

fatman for posting stupid shit that makes no scence...
or is it a coded massage?
if so... to whom?
the taliban? BAN HIM! QUICK!


Umm if this offended anybody I am sorry.

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After that damn long flamewar they had?

No, they got all buddy-buddy after that. deady probably just decided he didn't like him one day and blew a hole through his head. He did get annoying sometimes.

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Did the guy post alot in here at the old forums? Oh wait, I'll just go and find out for myself. :/

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pizzaboi was chewy who was just trying to have some fun and fool around here :)

Well....that would make chewy a little biotch now wouldnt it?

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I remember what Archvile did to get banned, at least the final thing. He posted a poll in the General Forum while he was fucking around with the script, and someone voted before it could be deleted, showing his hax0r skillz to the world.

Then there was username...he was never banned, but he was funny as hell. He used the worst broken english, calling us 'Ball Shit Snakes' and 'stupid Damers' whilst praising 'Wolf' which I guess was Wolfenstein.

My theory is that he was actually an alien, because he used a word structure I've never seen anywhere, and he continued to insist that he 'didn't have any time'. Sounds pretty cryptic, maybe he was dieing. Can any of the admins dig up a link to one of his posts, that would be amusing for old times sake.

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