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Doom 1.666 =P


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Anyone have this? I've got Ultimate doom, collectors doom, doom2 and final doom, but not Doom 1.666. I had it a LONG time ago =( But I'm lookin to get my hands on the ancient doom 1.666

Any help is appreciated =) I have a downgrade from 1.9 to 1.1, but can't seem to find the patch to 1.2 and then to 1.666


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It should be at the ID Software site...at least that's where I got it when I first upgraded from 1.2 or 1.3 or whatever to 1.666. Of course, that was about eight years ago, so...

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i don't think there is a patch from 1.9 to 1.66. since 1.9 is ultimate doom, it would be a lot more work. i'll keep my eyes open though.

besides why 1.1 (or 1.0)? the only thing it has that it has that the others don't (other than lots of bugs) is the swastika in e1m4.

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Probably because it was deemed too politically incorrect or something and modified in the later versions.

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well, im mainly looking for it to run an old tc =(

I could care less about swastikas or version numbers hehe

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besides why 1.1 (or 1.0)? the only thing it has that it has that the others don't (other than lots of bugs) is the swastika in e1m4.

I knew it! I knew it! I wasn't Seeing things! that WAS a swastika beforehand!

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Not only was there a swastika there, but in Wolfenstien there were hundreds not only in the sprites, but also in the architecture.

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I don't understand why they took that out in Doom v1.66. It somehow added more atmosphere to the level. Wolfenstein had TONS of swastikas in it (we're talking one level is shaped like one, I think 2-8). Not to mention, Doom 2 had Wolfenstein levels and they weren't taken out (except in Germany).

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