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hoho the ZDoom page are down !


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hoho the ZDoom page are down !


Oh, and I want to make a Zero Wing TC... but it'd take either (1) a good scripting language for EDGE or (2) a lot of Dehacked work for ZDoom.

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hoho the ZDoom page are down !

I'm not sure if that's something to be jolly about.

(Uh-oh, Katarhyne is going to get on my case for ending a sentence in a preposition.)

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Perhaps I should re-phrase:

I don't know if that's something about which to be jolly ;)

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The doomworld one works fine.

Yes, but there's really nothing there atm; it's more a place holder until Randy can re-organize it. Even the download link to 3DDownloads takes you nowhere. Moreover (and more importantly) the forums are still only at notgod.com, and there's usually a hell of a lot more exchange of info that goes on in the forums than on ZDooM's news pages.

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Well, http://www.notgod.com/ is also down, not just the Zdoom specific pages. So perhaps it is just notgod doing one of its frequent, but temporary disappearing acts.

I agree with ReX. The Zdoom forum is an incredibly valuable place, with frequent and useful exchange of information. It has made my life a lot easier and has been the best place to ask for and give Zdoom specific help. It has also made it easy to ensure Randy gets a hell of a lot of feedback on the betas and feature requests etc. I am sure that without the forums, there would have been far less input.

I hope when Randy moves over to Doomworld properly, that the notgod forums are still maintained, or a suitable alternative is put in place. Loosing the Zdoom specific forum would be a bad thing.

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It has also made it easy to ensure Randy gets a hell of a lot of feedback on the betas and feature requests etc. I am sure that without the forums, there would have been far less input.

Damn all those guys *cough Maonth and others cough* with their feature requests, delaying the release of v1.23 :)

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Rough with the smooth I guess. :-)

Anyway, the forum was back up 2 minutes ago when I checked. Panic over. Nothing to see here. Get back to your lives people. Move along.

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Anyway, the forum was back up 2 minutes ago when I checked.

Well, then. I'm off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard at the ZDooM forums.

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Anyway, the forum was back up 2 minutes ago when I checked.

Well, then. I'm off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of OZ (at the ZDooM forums, that iz).

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Especially when they're not identical.

Yeah, then it's just an attempt to RUN UP YOUR POST COUNT.

Totally off-topic... You know how some businesses have those signs that say they speak Spanish there (can't remember the exact wording)?

Wouldn't it be cool to have, at some store, a sign that reads:

\/\/3 5p33|< L337 4 J00

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Yeah, then it's just an attempt to RUN UP YOUR POST COUNT.

If he was going for that, he would probably have 4000 more posts on his account.

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Wouldn't it be cool to have, at some store, a sign that reads:

\/\/3 5p33|< L337 4 J00

Umm, yeah...except, you can't actualy speak 1337.

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hoho the ZDoom page are down !


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Umm, yeah...except, you can't actualy speak 1337.


Yeah? Well at my friend's school there's these two morons who run around communicating in 1337. Like this...

"Hey buddy, frontslash-backslash-frontslash-backslash-four..."

At least that's what he tells me.

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Umm, yeah...except, you can't actualy speak 1337.


Yeah? Well at my friend's school there's these two morons who run around communicating in 1337. Like this...

"Hey buddy, frontslash-backslash-frontslash-backslash-four..."

At least that's what he tells me.

Jay Zero Zero Four Are Three Plus Three Pipe Dash Pipe Five Pipe Underscore Pipe Open-Paren Pipe Less-than.

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