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The /newstuff Chronicles #235

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We need to find a time machine and start uploading 2005 wads in 1994.

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Oh no, some dipshit still has thousands of DZone wads left to upload! I'm glad they feel the need to share with us all the shitty maps we missed out on in 1994.

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Graf Zahl said:

I mean the 2 traps where lots and lots of monsters teleport in and the player is trapped in a small area. Both take far too long.

While I'd agree that the second one is tedious, I think the first is just long enough. Patience, grasshopper.

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is it one person or lots?
just ban them from uploading i say
tell them there using up valuable upload space for newer stuff :p

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Vile said:
We need to find a time machine and start uploading 2005 wads in 1994.

That'd piss them off. The old timers. People would say they suck because they'd bust from VPOs in the first or second room (if they'd work at all,) after a tediously long download over the pesky 28K modem.

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Xtife said:

is it one person or lots?
just ban them from uploading i say
tell them there using up valuable upload space for newer stuff :p

That's rubbish, though. Do you think that somehow, there'll suddenly be more people making new maps just because less old ones get uploaded?

Remember that the primary purpose of the /idgames archive is to collect *all* the stuff that can/may be collected. Many people may not like the old levels, and I certainly think most of them are crap, too, but hey - they should be there for the sake of completeness. And it's not like all of them are crap all the time, either, so there.

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Once again I ask, why does whatever dork that keeps uploading 1994 WADs feel the need to do so at a steady trickle rather than uploading all of them and getting it over with.

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Scuba Steve said:
The level looks good, which is all that really matters, and it probably plays well too, but I don't really care.

No wonder Action Doom sucked.

Anyway, I don't see the point in reviewing 1994-95 wads. Deathz0r had the right idea, just fucking ignore them... and shoot whoever let Scuba Steve do /newstuff.

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go fuck yourself you vapid prick. a) action doom is one of the most inventive doom wads out there and b) a different reviewer would not have improved the quality of these shitastic wads any.

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Xenphire said:

No wonder Action Doom sucked.

Anyway, I don't see the point in reviewing 1994-95 wads. Deathz0r had the right idea, just fucking ignore them... and shoot whoever let Scuba Steve do /newstuff.

Someone needs the retard title more than Bloodskull....

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Xenphire said:

No wonder Action Doom sucked.


and that has about the same amount of relevance as your post.

Go go scuba power on the newstuff cornicles this week. You all may not care for them but it's nice that he at least took the time to attempt to examine the old wads.

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Damn, nothing worth playing this week. I collect classic wads but these are just too bad to bother with.

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Use3D said:

Damn, nothing worth playing this week. I collect classic wads but these are just too bad to bother with.

Have you tried Manic? I'd say that one's pretty good (and a hectic start, especially if you miss the secret area).

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Scuba Steve said:

How we put up with them as long as we did to make it to today is a testament to the strength of each and every member here, except for InsertWackyNameHere and Bloodskull because they are too young.

haha. I've been dooming since 94 so there.

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Mancubus II said:

Now not only will we rue the day that Pacman is ported to Doom 3, but now we all have to suffer the wrath of the Nine Inch Nails, good thing I'm a nailhead, that way I'm protected, along with my tin-foil helmet. Sweet Jesus No!

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NIN is one of those bands who was good when they were new and unique, but their current incarnations are just terrible. (Korn is another example, for no reason).

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Linguica said:

Once again I ask, why does whatever dork that keeps uploading 1994 WADs feel the need to do so at a steady trickle rather than uploading all of them and getting it over with.

Why don't you ask him? funduke@hotmail.com

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Some of these 1994-95 WADs aren't that bad, actually. Many are complete shit, yes, but others are well worth playing (for instance, Heroes from last week, and Full On from #233). Did anyone bother playing these, or were you all too busy jumping on the "let's hope Funduke dies a terrible death" bandwagon?

BTW, I do think it wouldn't be harmful if Funduke were slightly more selective.

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Kristian Ronge said:

Some of these 1994-95 WADs aren't that bad, actually. Many are complete shit, yes, but others are well worth playing (for instance, Heroes from last week, and Full On from #233). Did anyone bother playing these, or were you all too busy jumping on the "let's hope Funduke dies a terrible death" bandwagon?

BTW, I do think it wouldn't be harmful if Funduke were slightly more selective.

Yeah I agree except I didn't enjoy Full On.

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MasterOfPuppets said:

NIN is one of those bands who was good when they were new and unique, but their current incarnations are just terrible. (Korn is another example, for no reason).

Korn have always been korny.

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I decided to take the plunge and download a wad Scuba didnt bother reviewing: Rescue 1...

It starts off bad enough, with an undetailed marble room, a chaingun and a ton of ammo, along with a badly aligned door. You open the door and blow away the myriad of shotgun guys and imps in the next room, run inside and take out a few more bad guys who where hiding behind pointless blocks of STARTAN, now there is a red key door you cant open, and a 'secret' door you can only see on the map. Open it and there is two bad guys who cant see you even though you're right in front of them. There is another un-detailed corridoor full of spectres, but the nearby beserk means you dont have to waste shells shooting them (not that there's a shortage). Another invisible door leads into a large room with a pretty cool (for 1994) marble block with green torches on it, imps and shotgun guys abound in here too, but with an invisiblity and soul sphere just laying around the battle is easy. There is a hallway with some totally pointless switches that open up what i can only imagine are meant to be prison cells (with nothing useful in). Back to the green marble thing, take the not-immediatley-obvious lift to the top and pick up a rocket launcher and 6 boxes of rockets, this opens up a 'trap' containing, er, one baron and two demons. Once they are dead there is another soul sphere in there, just in case it was 'too hard', and the red key. Go back to the red key door, enter another marble hallway with some tiny slime pits that are so small you can run through without taking damage. Run around to a blue key door, then come back to the slime it, somehow running up to the blue key door opens a secret area with the blue key in behind you, i guess that was what they called "Non-linearity" back then. The blue door leads into a zig-zagging hallway crammed with zombies, shoot them and the barrels at the end, which blow up a load more. The next room is crammed with imps, demons and a few cacodemons, along with an invincibility sphere. Shoot everything in here and pick up the yellow key, oh no! TWO barons!, time to get that invincibility!. Pick it up and it opens a 'trap', a trap when you're invincible?, after punching all the enemies to death (you might as well), open the "we didnt even try and align it right" exit door to be 'ambushed' by a demon, which cant see you, punch it and press the exit switch, brilliant eh?

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Linguica said:

Once again I ask, why does whatever dork that keeps uploading 1994 WADs feel the need to do so at a steady trickle rather than uploading all of them and getting it over with.

Because they've only got a 14400 bps modem, of course.

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Scuba Steve said:

Oh no, some dipshit still has thousands of DZone wads left to upload! I'm glad they feel the need to share with us all the shitty maps we missed out on in 1994.

that's it. I'm making a list of the wads on the D!Zone so ty can instantly reject.

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