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Scythe2 Demos

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Presumably this will need -complevel 5 (or higher) in Prboom 2.2.6. (Or Boom 2.02/Prboom 2.02/MBF of course.)

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Yes, I recommend that -complevel 5 is the one to use for recording on all the maps, even though most of them work well with doom2.exe compat mode.

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Great!!! It's done :)

But damn about -complevel 5! I hate the weird monster movements and the weapon recoil with it. Or is it possible to change these things in the config? If not I'll record only stuff for maps which are doom2.exe compatible I think.

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Hmm, now that I think about it (and also tested some maps), I dont really remember if any maps really require high complevel. The ones I thought needed them were 04,21,23, 25, 31 and 27 but they seem to run fine with doom2.exe level compat (I changed a small detail in map04 just before release to make it run). Maybe I should retract my statement about level 5 as the "standard" complevel.

Edit: map20 requires -complevel 5. Every other map seems to work 100% without it. So I recommend -complevel 1 for everything except map20 then.

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Angus Thermopyle said:

But damn about -complevel 5! I hate the weird monster movements and the weapon recoil with it. Or is it possible to change these things in the config?

I'd certainly recommend nuking as much of that stuff as you like (e.g. all of it). You won't be able to get rid of everything though, as the complevel will override some of your settings, since it is restained by what the available options are in the demo format it is emulating. These two settings should help make Boom compat more tolerable:

# Game settings
weapon_recoil                 0
monsters_remember             0
That gets rid of the recoil, and means that monsters behave as they do in Doom2.exe once they've killed another monster. However, there's nothing you can do in Boom compat to prevent stuff like: live monsters being knocked off ledges (very annoying for Max demos); archie bug (ghosts) "fixed"; pain elementals able to produce unlimited lost souls.

An alternative is to use complevel -1 and set everything to your liking. However, I've often found that other people's complevel -1 demos desync for me - perhaps you need to have an identical cfg file, or something.

Anyway, it's great to hear that it is all purely limit-removing apart from map20. BTW, Erik, are you sure about this? Even if you haven't used any Boom specials, there are still some Boom "bug fixes" that can cause problems (that was why several maps in Vile Flesh needed Boom compatibility), and if most of the testing was done with Boom compat, then they might have gone unnoticed. OK, silly question since you're well aware of that, but just thought I'd ask anyway.

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I am not 100% sure. I have done all testing up to map20 with -complevel 1. After I made that 4-switch thingy on map20 that needed boom specials I let both doombuilder and prboom stay at boom compat. I dont think that I used any more boom specials though except one thing in map21 which I changed during bugfixing/tweaking. Also there are lighting effects in map27 using light transfer specials, but those work even with -complevel 1.

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Woooo... Great news! I really look forward to play. Just as I heard I hope that most of the map run with doom2.exe

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I think what we've established here is that most of the maps (1-19 at any rate, and probably 21 onwards too) require only a purely limit-removing port.

You'll get HOMs and VPOs if you use Doom2.exe (I've just tried a few maps to make sure).

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Thx for clearing this up, Erik and Grazza! Yesterday I started with ep5 (strangely I never play a new megawad from start to finish) - great theme, great maps (finished map21 with my first try :)
I had no problems with -complevel 0.

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Also to add to the list of levels that need -complevel 3/5:

Map 16: Well, this one doesn't require -complevel 3/5 to complete it, but for maxdemos, -complevel 3/5 needs to be used so the crushers work properly.

Map 32: A switch right after hitting the YSK switch doesn't work on -complevel 0. Need to use -complevel 3/5 here to complete the level.

Oh, and should we use this thread to post up demos? I've recorded 3 demos so far (Map16 UV-Speed in :34, Map13 UV-Speed in 1:21, and a Map32 UV-Max in 2:43). If so, I'll send them all off to Ops tomorrow or possibly late tonight.

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I'll repost this stuff I said in the wads forum, because it applies mostly to you guys.

"urgh, I just realized that I put an old version of map17 into the final wad. I guess that's a mistake I'll have to live with... The main difference is that in the new (non-released) version, the ambush with lots of teleporting cacos/PE is replaced with a better one... Actually I think this mistake is severe enough to warrant a reupload. You don't really have to download the new version unless you want to a) record demos or b) really hate PEs in large open areas.

New version will be up as soon as Ty gets my message and does his thing =)"

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Ah ok, looks like I'll just wait to do any further demo recording until the new version comes out. In the meantime, I will say one thing though...

Plasma Marines= Evil! :)

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Erik said:

You can grab the final version from my webpage now. http://www.doom2.net/~erik

Yep, those marines are quite evil =)

Nice, got it downloaded. All my demos are still intact thankfully, so I'm going to do a few txt files, then send them off to Ops.

And at least someone agrees with me on the marines :P.

Just outta curiousity, what changes are in the new version? I know about the map17 change, but is there anything else noticable gameplay-wise?

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I don't think so. The only thing I did was that I recompiled the wad from all the latest map versions. Map14 had some issue with getting stuck when using the trick route fixed, othervise I think it's mostly visual stuff.

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Erik said:

I don't think so. The only thing I did was that I recompiled the wad from all the latest map versions. Map14 had some issue with getting stuck when using the trick route fixed, othervise I think it's mostly visual stuff.

Ok then, that's been cleared up.

Going to send my 3 demos to Ops now.

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Agreed, plasma marines are evil. :D
Rreminds me of the shotgunner killing in the modified dwango5 map(forgot the name) with accuracy/health used/etc. stats in the end.

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I liked your demos a lot. Map13 is kind of crummy for speed unless you manage to stay pacifist somehow :P

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2 UV-maxes today...

One for map16 in 0:50. Probably a few more seconds could be shaved off here.

The other is for map14 with a time of 6:45. I freely admit this map kicked my rear to next week many time (300+ attempts for one exit. Yeah, that stunk ^_^). Not a bad run, but the last 1/3rd of the demo is a bit on the sloppy side. A 6:3x should be easy to get on this level.

Sending both demos to Ops now.

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Great map14 max, I really like your revenant punching in the first part. This is probably the first map in the wad that I am fully satisfied with, it looks neat and has pretty solid (though kind of hard) gameplay. I guess you already know that there is a speed shortcut to the blue key on the map as well?

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Erik said:

Great map14 max, I really like your revenant punching in the first part. This is probably the first map in the wad that I am fully satisfied with, it looks neat and has pretty solid (though kind of hard) gameplay. I guess you already know that there is a speed shortcut to the blue key on the map as well?

Thanks. About the speed shortcut....have I heard about it? Yes. Do I know where it is? Nope ^_^. If it's the elevator in the beginning (one you take after getting BFG and BK)...well, I can't seem to hit the switch from above until after I get the BFG and BK. Odd :P. If that isn't it, then I've got no idea as to where the speed trick is :).

That being said, I tried to improve my maxdemo for map14. No dice (Well, I probably would have had one if all my farking BFG shots hit the cybie at the end. One missed, and I had to use the SSG to finish him off and had no SG ammo by the time it died. Exited...in 6:51 >_<). Tried some more, had no luck, so stopped for now (I'll wait for awhile before trying it again).

Thus, I decided to work on map13 UV-Max. Took no where near as long to get one exit compared to map14. Started with 2:40, but kept trying, and eventually got a time of 2:36. Not bad, but the ending could go quicker.

Going to send the map13 demo to Ops now.

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