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Scythe2 Demos

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Heh, I have already done and sent :20 (look up in the thread) ;D

I guess :19 should be quite easy as well.

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I just had a quick session around map18, did a speed in 0:46 (one obvious jump and the switch from below that Anima mentioned). It's a cool map to run through, around 40 could be done. Anyway when I do a jump for a redkey then something blocks me in moving, and the same that is near soulsphere.. maybe some monsters in the ground or something?

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Heh, Gusta ... Anima already did 0:40...

Anyway, I also had a shot; was going to improve it and then post it, but I might as well post it now.

Map 18 UV speed in 0:38. :-)

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Kristian Ronge said:

Anyway, I also had a shot; was going to improve it and then post it, but I might as well post it now.

Map 18 UV speed in 0:38. :-)

Nice demo. I figured that I'd get my next run outta the way for map18...a UV-Speed+Pacifist in 0:38. Had a single-digit health situation near the end. Another second or so could be shaved off I think.

Sending to Ops now.

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I have :35 for map18 speed, but it needs more improvement still. :33 should be the time to aim for I guess.

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Hehe that was first exit, and my route was not that optimal I see :) I just have to read the replies better :) Anyway what is blocking the moving near redkey in map18 anybody knows?

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Gusta said:

Hehe that was first exit, and my route was not that optimal I see :) I just have to read the replies better :) Anyway what is blocking the moving near redkey in map18 anybody knows?

Yeah it's 64x64 monster pits with imps in them (they activate when you come through the door on the normal route). I found the blocking effect during testing but since you can actually get a speed boost off them and you cant fall down I decided not to make them pop up if you do the jump. It's a trick route after all.

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Got a few demos here I did.

First one is for map31, a UV-Max in 1:10. I had done this demo about 2 days ago, but never got around to posting about it till today. Those plasma marines move really fast, so blame some missed SSG shots on them :P.

Then today, I did 2 demos for map04. One UV-Max in 2:25 and one UV-Speed in 0:34.

Sending all the demos to Ops now.

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Improved my map04 UV-Speed to 0:28. Also improved my map04 UV-Max to 2:04. Sending both to Ops now.

EDIT: A little boredom goes a long way :P. Decided to improve my map32 UV-Max. Knocked off 10 seconds, maxing the time 2:33. Sub 2:30 should be the goal for this map. Sending this demo to Ops now.

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I made a demo for map31 some two weeks ago but forgot to send it hehe. I found it now so here is a max demo in 0:47. I was lucky here but still not happy with it.

I forgot which compatibility level on prboom 2.2.6. I recorded it on, but only possible options are -1, 1 or 5 so I hope it's ok(I have -1 in my config file so that I can use savegames, but not sure wether I changed it when I was recording or no).

If it should be a problem I can try to re-record it.

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DeDo said:

I forgot which compatibility level on prboom 2.2.6. I recorded it on, but only possible options are -1, 1 or 5 so I hope it's ok.

Checking with LMPC shows that you must have used -complevel 1.

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I recorded map17 in 0:48. I used rather different kind of jump than Erik did. I had a cruel lags so the demo is ugly (ecspecially at the start) so I decided to stop recording taking the first exit. I just hope, that Erik (or someone else interested) will easily beat it to 0:40 or lower.

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Bleh, map04 UV-Max can kiss my ass now thank you very much. I had a nice demo going yesterday...then got killed by the last arch-vile >_<!!! Blasted me into the exit too :P.

I would have had a 2:00-2:01 if I survived. Damn it all to hell :P.

Oh well, that happens :). I'll just leave it alone for now and work on another map.

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Wow, that's great :)))))
Anima: Do 1:59 or nothing... and not kidding! (well my time on that map was 2:56 so I'll be rather quiet, my tallent to find out an optimal route somewhere is somewhere sub zero :)

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Oh yes! I knew I'd get a faster time for map04 UV-Max sooner or later. Sadly, it's not sub-2, but I'll be damned if I can get everything to work nicely again. That, and this map is partly evil for a quick max :P.

Time is 2:01. Now I think I'll leave this map alone for now (After basically only playing this map for a few hours each day for the past 2 days, I need to give the level a break :P).

Sending to Ops now.

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Heh I didn't know about the BFG secret (it's infact not a secret), that surely gives some great route possibilities.
I did a maxkill for map18 in... eh 4:28. So-so demo for a great map. I don't have time for recording noe so I am sending this 30mins effort to Opulent.

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Heh, the map04 "secret" was a part of a two "super secret" series. (the other one is in map02), I removed the BFG in the map02 secret (there is now only a mega there) as it would make a good max run too damn annoying to pull off but the map04 one slipped through. I guess it doesn't seem to take away from the playability of the map in any serious way.

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Did a map02 UV-Max in 2:26. Still room for improvement as there was some sloppy SSG aiming. The ending also needs to be improved (It can be done fast than in this demo most likely).

Sending to Ops now.

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2 maxers from me today.

First one is an improved map02 UV-Max. Knocked off a few seconds, making the new time 2:22. One obviously missed SSG shot, but I did handle the ending well considering my health at that point.

Then, I did a map05 UV-Max in 1:53 a little bit ago. Perhaps it could be improved a bit.

Sending both demos to Ops now.

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