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that 'whats your favourite wad?' thread #3024-BBY-7

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Well. I never doubt that Extremal in its present state is illegal stuff. I posted a download link only after I saw The Patchwork Empire link. Overall rip off levels legality sounds strange for me. So someone can create and distribute a copy of the original id levels with minor changes sorta moving the door behind the player start on e1m1 south on two points. Then everyone can grab Freedoom, some similar to original sprites from the combos directory, a port and wade through original id levels without buying the game itself. I guess rip offs should be banned except well-known pre-nodebuilders era level mods for historic reasons. But by the way, what is legal and what is not legal should be define by the game owners i.e. id. I going to find the megawad author and to talk him into legalizing his work and uploading to the archive. If someone has any information concerning Extremal please mail me. May be some maps have been released as single level wads.

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