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Last time I'm asking....


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How on Earth, or Hell, or Mars do you load up WADs using EDGE 1.26? I need to know this. I really do; I would love to see some of my fave WADs with pretty graphics and dynamic lighting and all that.
And no smartass answers, either.

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Ummmmm, have you tried the command line parameter "-file [nameofwad].wad" lately?

Of course, if you're a total dupe, then just find a frontend or something; I know there's at least one for EDGE out there.

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I don't think he's that stupid not to try that, he prolly might be forgeting to warp to the map or he didn't set the "start in" folder yet.

Try this: right click on an edge shortcut > go down to properties > make sure the "Target" field says something like this: "C:\Doom\edge.exe -file nameofwad.wad" (change to match your specs) > then in the field below ("Start In:") fill in your doom dir, for ex. "C:\Doom\"

Another thing: Make sure the wad you want to play is in your doom directory, and that you know which IWAD and map ## it uses.

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I was gonna quote "stupidity cannot be concealed", but I just remembered some EDGE maps don't use standard map numbers. For example, Fanatic's QDoom uses maps like "QD01" and "QD02", so if you're gonna warp to those different levels or maybe even get a regular map to work right, warping to "ExMx" or "MAPxx" may not work since those aren't the maps the level replaces. What I usually do is open WinTex and look at the map entries to find out which maps are replaced, then I can warp around as I please.

Of course, if you're just playing standard Doom maps, I don't know why you'd use EDGE to play them.

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yeah, once knowing the map number just open it up in edge, type in idclev then the map number and should work fine. Yet I never use edge so I might be wrong.

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legacies opengl is nothing compared to JDoom. The new JDoom version has never crashed on me, the AEX works really nice so I have the nice, sharp, sounds with those sexy echos. I usually get like 25-35 fps and I have a voodoo3 3000 pci, 600 mhz and 128 ram.

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