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here are some tips for newbies, and refreshers for us doom veterans.
hints for doom
if u have goten doom recently have no knowlage of doom then u may want to grab a port, many seem to come on here asking doom95 questions. Well my friends Doom95 sucks!!! it is one of the most horrid doom ports out, and they never updated. so get zdoom, boom, or legacy: dont forget edge, MBF and Jdoom.
loading wads has also been a question so here is the old school way which works with most, if not all, ports. here is an example, go into a dos box and type"c:\doom2\zdoom -file nameofwad.wad
and there u go, however most have a built in feature that lets u load wads some other way.
why ports are better.
many have said ports ruin doom, well i disagree. Most ports add fun features that should have been in doom to start with, as well as some much needed bug fixes. ports support most of these: look up/down, jumping, over/under spirits, vis planeoverflow bug fix, larger maps, new level features and effect, and so much more.
final note
So what if doom is old it still kicks ass, if u are one who thinks doom sucks because of its age the i hope a demon rams a corn cob up your ass

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many have said ports ruin doom

Depends on what a person's opinion is. For me, I like ZDoom, think Boom and PRBoom ruin it, EDGE is too damn hard to maintain, can't run JDoom or Legacy due to lack of an OpenGL card, among other things.

if u are one who thinks doom sucks because of its age the i hope a demon rams a corn cob up your ass

Damn straight!!!! Go to my reply here to see that I agree with you.

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here are some tips for newbies, and refreshers for us doom veterans.
hints for doom
if u have goten doom recently have no knowlage of doom then u may want to grab a port, many seem to come on here asking doom95 questions. Well my friends Doom95 sucks!!! it is one of the most horrid doom ports out, and they never updated. so get zdoom, boom, or legacy: dont forget edge, MBF and Jdoom.
loading wads has also been a question so here is the old school way which works with most, if not all, ports. here is an example, go into a dos box and type"c:\doom2\zdoom -file nameofwad.wad
and there u go, however most have a built in feature that lets u load wads some other way.
why ports are better.
many have said ports ruin doom, well i disagree. Most ports add fun features that should have been in doom to start with, as well as some much needed bug fixes. ports support most of these: look up/down, jumping, over/under spirits, vis planeoverflow bug fix, larger maps, new level features and effect, and so much more.
final note
So what if doom is old it still kicks ass, if u are one who thinks doom sucks because of its age the i hope a demon rams a corn cob up your ass

NOOOOO! You pile of Taliban entrails! How can you tell someone who is completely new to DOOM to go get a source port??!?!?!?!?
First of all, a newcomer to DOOM MUST get the original feel of the gameplay and ambiance. It is a must. Running out and getting a source port destroys this initial experience that most of us have burned into our brains.
Second, if they start off with a source port they will never learn to appreciate them. They need to experience the limits of the original engine as well as the low res and inability to jump. Only then will source ports be truly appreciated.

Doom95 is idiotic.

No, of course ports don't ruin the experience. They immensely enhance it if you compare it to the original DOOM. You have to have the experience in the first place in order to ruin it.

Don't forget SkullTag for multiplayer leetness.

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For me, I like ZDoom, think Boom and PRBoom ruin it

But ZDoom is built off Boom isn't it? So why do you think Boom ruins it? Anywho, I like MBF and Boom, mainly 'coz I can edit them easily(I know, I'm lazy). =P

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Every second of the day, a half-trillion neutrinos pass through your body.

Don't let yourself be violated in this manner. Get new Neutrino-Off!.

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First of all, a newcomer to DOOM MUST get the original feel of the gameplay and ambiance.

Agreed. It's great to use source ports, but that should come after the game has been played as it was originally designed.

Damn! That brings back memories. Back when I first played DooM in 1994 I was a keyboarder, and I had to save games a lot. I began at Hey, not too rough, graduated to Hurt me plenty, and finally to UV. What a ride!

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My first Doom experience was with SNES, then with PSX and now finaly with PC. I also agree that Doom should fist be played with basic Doom/Doom2.exe. Also source ports new abilities like jumping and looking makes possible to cheat on levels that were designed to be played with regular Doom.

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If u are one who thinks doom sucks because of its age the I hope a demon rams a corn cob up your ass

I agree.

I'm going to give KING DOOM a try, It's a multiport DooM launcher that works with just about everything.

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I LOVE ZDoom. But once in a while I have to load up good old DOS Doom. It has a different feel and appeal.

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My first Doom experience was with SNES, then with PSX and now finaly with PC. I also agree that Doom should fist be played with basic Doom/Doom2.exe. Also source ports new abilities like jumping and looking makes possible to cheat on levels that were designed to be played with regular Doom.

Well, it's possible to cheat on some of these levels even without a source port. For example, Ultimate doom e2m2, you go through the slime to the area near the exit. Then you can press a switch from down there to raise the bridge to the exit. Also Doom2 map11, go to the red door then find the nearby switch. You can hit this from the slime, then go up to the starting area and jump onto the lowered platform. There are many other tricks like this.

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What makes you think many people will like to jump into DOOM, these days, with games like Hitman, Soldier of Fortune and that damned Max Payne are available? Sadly, people joining the PC games scene today will probably never be able to enjoy DOOM like we did.

I agree, however, that starting with a port is unadvised, because most ports do ruin the original DOOM feeling. The best example is jumping, which can make things a lot easier in some levels.

In this matter I completely disagree with Crendowing. I think BOOM is the only source port that doesn't ruin DOOM a single bit. Simply because it was stopped (unfortunately) before gameplay enhancements were added. TeamTNT concentrated on disposing bugs and engine limits, which opened a lot more editing possibilities, but for the original levels it feels exactly like the original DOOM EXE.

So I would say that for a DOOM newbie, should one exist, it's best to start with BOOM. Gameplay maximally close to original, almost no bugs, much more flexible configuration and good editing possibilities, although not as good as in ZDOOM and other engines, which I dislike mostly for cosmetic reasons (BOOM was cosmetically awesome).

And by the way:

"News you can use" - anyone knows the origin of this line?

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For me, I like ZDoom, think Boom and PRBoom ruin it

But ZDoom is built off Boom isn't it? So why do you think Boom ruins it?

All that helper dog crap for one. Many of the options are useless to me as well (or I don't know the significance).

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Original Doom > All source ports

Nothing beats the feel of the original... I don't need any fancy mouselook or built in sector over sector shit, when I think of doom I think of all the classics that I've had fun playing and would want to try again--eg: terror mall, aliens tc, atari doom, not any of this new fancy shit. If I want pure gameplay, I go to the classics, if I want some really sparkly nice looking shit (that's not doom, in my opinion) then I'll play quake3

Only reason I use a sourceport is because I can't get doom to run under win2k pro to save my soul =/ Zdoom does the best in terms of maintaining the original feel of the game, legacy feels like quake 1.5. /shrug


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I don't see why you can't enjoy doom in a new shiny look,
bots, mouse look, jumping, and other great features.
These options have made editing WIDE OPEN for us. While the
old doom was extremely limited to newer ports, it maintained a feel that will forever be burned into our minds. It was IT at the time, but face it. Better games have been released since doom, but for us veterans doom remains our favorite game. But sometimes I think people aren't very open minded. Well whatever. I agree that if people are going to try and step into the doom scene, they should start with the original doom.exe. BUT, this could turn them off. Eh, look at all this rambling.

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What about DosDooM, the first port finished after the release of the source in December 1997? And MBF´s adjustable monster behaviour :) :) And the "helper dogs" in MBF (Sir Robin wrote a wad using this feature).
And just think about SMMU and it´s "classic" BFG - simply cool. I tried so many ports in PC Emulation - and only one I was unable to get running: ZDoom. So it was on the top of my wish list for a long time. Now it runs fine (and I have disabled the jumping). The ports have not had a bad impact on Doom - what an idea. But I have to admit that my favorite "exe" is MacDoom, and when I can (I mean when the wad does not need an advanced port) I use this one. I prefer software rendering because - my opinion - Doom´s graphics are awesome and there is no need for refurbishing them, but from time to time, OpenGL graphics are not that bad. The Mac version of Legacy is fantastic (great job, Calum!), and Zdoom and jDoom are my favorites on the PC side. And not far and a Mac version of a port with ZDoom compatibility will be relaesed :)

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Before I even knew that there was ports,I always used Doom 95, I liked it, I thought there was no problems.But when I found out about em and saw that Doom 95 was really nothing compared,oh lets say to Z Doom or Doom Legacy.
I never used Doom 95 again, but hey, we all start somewhere.

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It's not that newbies shouldn't use ports; it's just that they should try DooM out without ports first, and then graduate to them later. I'll be the first one to endorse ports -- but that's similar to recommending that newbies try out DooM with DeHacked patches first, before they've tried the real thing.

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Oh yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

"Hey kids, go play DooM, but wait, you just gotta experience the REAL DooM!!!! That's right, boys, breathtaking 320x200@8, no mouselook, plenty-o-bugs, unstability in most Win32 platforms, 4 audio channels and unoptimized rendering code!!!"

Yeah, right. Wanna get into DooM for the first time? Use a goddamn source port, it won't feel *that* ancient.

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Ralphis, I agree totally with what you're saying. DoomBots own, but for someone who spent the better part of a year DMing daily over a dedicated doom phone line with friends, and haha the old birdhouse bbs locally for 4 players, bots don't give the enjoyment old doom used to provide.

There are many valid points behind the argument that source ports are great... and don't get me wrong, they are. But that doesn't change the fact that they're not the *doom* I knew.

In terms of editing... DoomCAD was the *best* editor I'd used, it was clean (although buggy--fuggin crashes!), easy to use, straight forward and had a LARGE workspace. These new editors are too much for me to attempt... the only editor I have come to like since DoomCAD was WorldCraft, and since quake2 is dead and halflife bores me, well. I'm sol =P

I guess the point I'm making here is that old Doom is my favorite, and the keyword in that is *my*. Everyone will have their preference, i wish CSDOOM had more players, omg I would so be there. But alas, we all don't get what we want

One last point--how the HELL do you install old school TC's onto legacy/zdoom? I'm missing AliensTC soooo much =( =(

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Every second of the day, a half-trillion neutrinos pass through your body.

Don't let yourself be violated in this manner. Get new Neutrino-Off!.

Hark! Do i hear a cry for attention? No? must be my ass again...

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Oh yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

"Hey kids, go play DooM, but wait, you just gotta experience the REAL DooM!!!! That's right, boys, breathtaking 320x200@8, no mouselook, plenty-o-bugs, unstability in most Win32 platforms, 4 audio channels and unoptimized rendering code!!!"

Yeah, right. Wanna get into DooM for the first time? Use a goddamn source port, it won't feel *that* ancient.

Eh, you're being a bit unfair.

The bugs weren't _that_ plenty, and they weren't _that_ noticeable for the average player. Mouselook (or freelook with the keyboard if you hate mouse-DOOMing like me) is hardly useful in the original levels or at all in DOOM, because of the autoaim and as for unstability, original DOOM is one of the most stable DOS games I've seen, the blame lies entirely on the Win32 platforms (most of which run DOOM fine).

The original DOOM levels are better played without the gameplay enhancements added by the ports (that's why I recommend BOOM), and if you don't care about the original levels and care more about the engine improvements, why would you be playing DOOM these days?

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