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Here's a list of things that you REALLY don't appreciate until they are gone. Which one do you agree with MOST?

I'm going with toilet seat.

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My internet connection. When I didnt have the net for a few days I was pissed. Oh and ciggarettes, damn little sticks that contain the nicotine. I gotta quit.......

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mother of god yes!

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Caffeine, all the way! Plus hieght like Crendowing says. I hate being 6'3".

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Clear sinuses, plus a general lack of pain in the head and throat regions. Isn't it funny when you're sick and you're all stuffed up, you can't seem to remember being any other way? And when you finally get better, you can't recall how being sick felt like.

I once spent four full months recovering from a head cold. I failed my speech class that term. :/

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A non-headache, whatever you call that. I get headaches a lot and whenever I get one I'm like "Damn, I wish I didn't have a headache at this particular point in time."

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At the moment I'm posting this, now I wish I'd have voted "clear sinuses".

/me wants double doses of Benadryl and Sudafed

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Well, I'm the opposite end of the spectrum, I'm 5'4", and that can get a little bit annoying, too. I also need caffeine to live.

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Isn't it funny when you're sick and you're all stuffed up, you can't seem to remember being any other way? And when you finally get better, you can't recall how being sick felt like.

I seem to remember somebody once using the arguement that proof that animals have a lesser brain capacity is the fact that their sense of pain is not like ours; when they are in pain they cannot comprehend being any other way. Strange how we are the same way, isn't it?

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Could always shove your head up ur ass (that'll give you some head room, hehe).

It might be that you're not drinking enough (not alcohol), water. Seriously, if you go about 5 hours without any large amount of water (ie, a glass-sized amount) you'll develop a headache. This is sped up if you are sweating alot (like during mowing the lawn or during summer or something).

As for the internet connection, I cant remember being any other way than off the net. My computer fuked up about 3 months ago and since then I've been offline (via modem, at home). Now I do all my internet stuff at the computer labs at my school (university really), periodicially get on the doomworld chat room and show my a$$ so that they kick-ban me (only lasts for a month), y'know that kinda stuff.

Caffeine never seems to effect me - maybe im too big. The only reason why I ever get caffeine is because it's in some of the things I like to drink/eat (soda, chocolate, etc.) I dont drink soda for the caffiene - I drink it for the carbonation (ie, I wont drink flat or even half-flat soda).

Stable Toilet Seat: Could care less. I would shit in the bushes so long as I had something safe to wipe my ass with (TP preferred - with a small wet spot on it from spit or water so that I dont get that "TP ripping your ass up because it's so dry and rough" feeling).

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