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excellent music to jam while doom'n


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Check out these pages:
http://mp3.com/teknoman (drum'n'bass/gabber)
http://mp3.com/m1dy (speedcore)
http://mp3.com/julianhope (industrial electronic)
http://mp3.com/htt (gabber)
http://mp3.com/spark (ambient electronic)
http://mp3.com/MortifiedGabber (duh)
http://mp3.com/stinkpants (because Lüt whined - they really do kick ass though)

I'd make it a link but I'm too lazy and my head hurts. Besides that I'm having a miserable day at work.

Oh, check out Skinny Puppy's last album, "The Process". The song "Blue Serge" is basically the most awesome speeddooming song ever. "Hardset Head" is pretty awesome for Doom'n, too.

Just a little pimpage.

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I think I'll go search for a CD of a person having an unanesthetized root canal in one of the dirty alleys in NYC, while people drop bricks on trash cans.

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I think I'll go search for a CD of a person having an unanesthetized root canal in one of the dirty alleys in NYC, while people drop bricks on trash cans.


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I know Lüt'll garrote me with my own entrails for this, but, I own every Fear Factory, Nine Inch Nails, Meat Beat Manifesto and Apoptygma Berzerk album and guess what, I like listening to them. =)

Even Fixed.

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What? Are you trying to say something? ::grr::

Yes, that if you played all of that music simultaneously, it'd still sound better than what I want to listen to.

Come to think of it, if I could just have a CD of agonized screams not set to any music at all, that'd be perfect for Doom.

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I know Lüt'll garrote me with my own entrails for this, but, I own every Fear Factory, Nine Inch Nails, Meat Beat Manifesto and Apoptygma Berzerk album and guess what, I like listening to them. =)

Even Fixed.

I don't know wether it is fixed or broken, but one of the two drives me absolutely insane. One of the songs on one of those two CDs is a remix from a song that I think is on Furtherdown the Spiral. Like a lot NIN songs, most of the song can be described as complete discord or chaos. But then, it gets to this brief point were it starts to flow and sounds soothing, a lot of songs have that too. All of the discord before that brief part compliments it, makes it sound really good and lets me relax after the chaotic rhythms. I like that part of the song, but one of those two CDs takes that part out. The first thing I did when I heard it was try to find the song so I could hear that part, I didn't listen to all of that discord for nothing, but alas, I couldn't find it. I could hear that brief part in my head, but that just wasn't enough. Fuck that song, I hate it. Now that I think of it, the only song I have listened to in my CD player is #7 on Furtherdown since Sept. 27th, non-stop.

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I think I'll go search for a CD of a person having an unanesthetized root canal in one of the dirty alleys in NYC, while people drop bricks on trash cans.


Damn, beat me to it ;)

I know Lüt'll garrote me with my own entrails for this, but, I own every Fear Factory, Nine Inch Nails, Meat Beat Manifesto and Apoptygma Berzerk album and guess what, I like listening to them. =)

I actually own about 28 NIN CDs... go figure, huh?

Now that I think of it, the only song I have listened to in my CD player is #7 on Furtherdown since Sept. 27th, non-stop.

Which Further Down is it?

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Oh yeah, someone just told me a few days ago that there is another version. Well on the one I have, number 7 is "at the heart of it all". Its relaxing, I removed the lightbulbs from my room and I got boxes stacked in my window. I slept past 8PM today. Only reason I woke up was because I didn't see the faint glow of light seeping through the cracks of the boxes. You know how you kinda wake up and move around and then fall back alseep? I don't like to wake up a night, but waking up a couple hours before night is ok though.

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Oh yeah, someone just told me a few days ago that there is another version. Well on the one I have, number 7 is "at the heart of it all". Its relaxing,

Yes, unfortunately its not by NiN, its by Aphex Twin. You fail it.

I removed the lightbulbs from my room and I got boxes stacked in my window. I slept past 8PM today. Only reason I woke up was because I didn't see the faint glow of light seeping through the cracks of the boxes. You know how you kinda wake up and move around and then fall back alseep? I don't like to wake up a night, but waking up a couple hours before night is ok though.

what the fuck?

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I slept past 8PM today.

Interesting, I got up at around 8:10PM today as well.

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Following the recommentation you made in one of your posts, I once downloaded Hyperdriver´s "Harthurt". I have to explain that I use very cheap headphones and I did notice that they sound different after that treatment :)

Oh well, I do not have much to say in this thread since my music taste (english baroque music) is far different from yours. But - anyway - I will try out the links you gave. Thankfully I can profit from nearly every style :)

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Yes, unfortunately its not by NiN, its by Aphex Twin. You fail it.

You fail it?

I removed the lightbulbs from my room and I got boxes stacked in my window. I slept past 8PM today. Only reason I woke up was because I didn't see the faint glow of light seeping through the cracks of the boxes. You know how you kinda wake up and move around and then fall back alseep? I don't like to wake up a night, but waking up a couple hours before night is ok though.

what the fuck?[/quote]I don't have blinds. I never turn on my lights anyways. And when someone does turn them on, I am usually sleeping.

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"Space Truckin" (the live set in Tokyo) by Deep Purple
"Star Spangled Banner" (Woodstock) by Jimi Hendrix
"Paranoia" by Black Sabbath
"Born to be Wild" by Steppenwolf
"Inna-Gadda-Da-Vida" by Iron Butterfly

Classic Rock, DooM style!

Toccata & Fugue in D Minor -- J.S. Bach
Night on Bald Mountain -- M. Mussorgsky
1812 Overture -- P.I. Tchaikovsky
Pictures at an Exhibition -- M. Mussorgsky
Carmen Fantasy -- G. Bizet

Classical music, DooM style!

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Try out Henry Purcell´s work - it rulez!
(ok - maybe whilst playing Doom it may be concidered displaced :)

(But someone has written a Doom wad with the name "Abdalazer" and "Abdalazer" was a music for the theatre by Purcell)

About "Space Truckin" (the live set in Tokyo) by Deep Purple:

I can remember that I once saw a video of a Deep Purple concert, showing Roger Glover "barking" the "come on" in "Space Truckin". Huuuh.....

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, the freak said...

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You cannot Jam to music whilst playing Doom. You'd look a right pillock.

But if you means listening music, I likes Smashing Pumpkins. They actually go quite well, with the nice mix of very heavy next to the very calm.

Areet Canny Mint That Like.

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Yes, Kraftwerk owns. Wir sind der roboter.

Anyway, since Doom has quite a mix of calm and hectic moments, the music I listen to while playing it ranges from trip-hop and ambient to fast, noisy industrial and electronic.

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One Word:

Metallica, Tool, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, and Megadeth (among some misc. 80's metal bands)

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Like a lot NIN songs, most of the song can be described as complete discord or chaos.

Sounds to me like you've never heard Pretty Hate Machine or The Fragile (= ass).

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One Word:

Metallica, Tool, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, and Megadeth (among some misc. 80's metal bands)

Fifteen words.

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On a music note, the new tool album (Lateralus) is very good for dooming... and has anybody ever doomed to the Beastie Boys? That's an experience, lemme tell ya :)

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Skinny Puppy's last album, "The Process".

yeah..skinny puppy...

i was doom'n to that cd two days ago. i find industrial music quite agreeable when playing doom and fps in general.

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